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The political wing of PIANJ, NJPIAPAC strengthens our association’s credibility as a serious force in New Jersey state elections.

Combined with members’ individual participation in the campaigns of their favored candidates, New Jersey Professional Insurance Agents Political Action Committee helps support the lawmakers that understand the issues affecting insurance professionals.


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The New Jersey Professional Insurance Agents Political Action Committee was founded in 1980, and since its founding, the organization has raised more than $1 million. NJPIAPAC uses donations from independent agents to support state legislative candidates who support the insurance industry and sponsor or support PIANJ’s legislative priorities.

The organization is run by a committee of nine politically attuned and active PIANJ members. They set the vision for the organization along with deciding which state legislators and candidates will receive donations in a given year with the assistance of PIANJ’s lobbyist.

The organization’s purpose is to amplify the voice of the professional insurance agent in the New Jersey Legislature. While the PIANJ staff and volunteers work directly on legislative and other issues, the NJPIAPAC bolsters the legislative work of our association by helping to increase PIANJ’s visibility, strengthen relationships, and support legislators who champion our issues.

Election Information

Below are links you might find helpful during election season. It includes information such as how to register to vote, mail-in ballots, and where to vote.

NJPIAPAC Committee and Officers


Michael Beckerman

Vice Chairperson

Christopher Powell


Lydia Bashwiner Esq., CWCP, NJWCP

Committee Members

Lloyd "Rip" Bush Jr.

Michael DeStasio Jr.

Lisa Hamm

Aaron Levine

Connie Mahoney

Steven Radespiel

Frequently Asked Questions


NJPIAPAC is PIANJ’s sponsored political action committee. NJPIAPAC helps support state lawmakers, regardless of party affiliation, that understand the issues affecting insurance professionals, and exists to strengthen PIANJ’s credibility as a serious political force in New Jersey state elections.

What is the purpose of NJPIAPAC?

NJPIAPAC is operated exclusively for the purpose of influencing the selection, nomination or election of individuals to state office. NJPIAPAC is separate from PIAPAC, PIA National’s federal political action committee. Contributions to NJPIAPAC stay in your state and are used to support state legislative candidates who understand the issues facing professional insurance agents and our industry more broadly. Contributions to the national PIAPAC are used to support federal legislative candidates and are separate from the state NJPIAPAC.

What does NJPIAPAC do?

NJPIAPC supports state candidates of all political parties that are supportive of our legislative initiatives. Its contributions are determined by a strictly bipartisan committee of politically attuned PIANJ members. Contributions to NJPIAPAC can be made via agency or individual check or credit card. State PACs, unlike federal, can accept support from business entities. However, insurance carriers are not allowed to contribute to insurance PACs in New Jersey.

How is NJPIAPAC governed?

Management of the business and affairs of NJPIAPAC is vested in a governing committee consisting of seven to nine PIANJ members, plus a PIANJ-YIP liaison. Each committee member exercises his or her independent judgment on behalf of NJPIAPAC, consistent with its stated purposes. Directors serve without compensation. NJPIAPC also has an Executive Committee that consists of the chairperson, the vice chairperson, and the treasurer.

What does NJPIAPAC do with my donation?

NJPIAPAC aggregates donations from our member agents to support state legislators and candidates, regardless of party, who are supportive of independent agents, sponsor our legislative priorities, and work to make being an independent agent easier in New Jersey.

Why should I give to NJPIAPAC?

Your political action committee ensures the independent agent voice is heard in Trenton. Your donation ensures we can continue to fight for independent agents.

What is the NJPIAPAC fiscal year?

The fiscal year for NJPIAPAC is the calendar year, January-December. For a donation to count in a fiscal year, it must be received during that fiscal year; if a donation written in December 2024 is received at PIA Northeast headquarters in January 2025, the donation will count for the 2025 fiscal year.

What is the average NJPIAPAC donation?

The average NJPIAPAC donation for 2024 was $318.80.

About Us PAC articles Election Info FAQ Contact


Have questions or would like more information about NJPIAPAC,
give us a call at (800) 424-4244 or email us at:

Giving Levels and Rewards

Club membership

Receives …



a thank-you letter, email signature, donor certificate, listing in the yearly “thank you” magazine ad, and a NJPIAPAC lapel pin.



all NJPIAPAC Club rewards
+ an invitation to our annual PAC event at conference.*
*For every $250 above Capitol you give, you receive another ticket to the conference event, e.g., if you give $500, you receive two tickets, $750, three tickets, etc.



all Capitol Club rewards
+ a NJPIAPAC coffee mug.



all Sapphire Club rewards
+ a handwritten thank-you note from PIANJ president.



all Emerald Club rewards
+ a NJPIAPAC hat.



all Diamond Club rewards
+ invites to video conferences with political updates from our PIA Northeast staff and PIANJ lobbyists.



all Gold Club rewards
+ a call from the PIANJ president thanking you for your donation and asking if you have any input on the association’s legislative priorities.

2024 Donors