The political wing of PIANY strengthens your association’s credibility as a serious political force in New York state elections.
Donor Profile
Fred Holender, CLU, CPCU, ChFC, MSFS
Q. What is your insurance origin story?
I graduated from Hamilton College in May 1974 with a liberal arts degree. My father had a small agency comprised of his partner, his partner’s son, and a few employees. I joined the agency 10 days after graduation, and I have been in the business since then. A few years later, we joined PIA to take advantage of its E&O program. Eight years after joining the family agency, we merged with a competitor where we remained for 12 years. In 1996, we merged with Lawley, and we have seen tremendous growth and opportunity ever since. It’s been said that a liberal arts degree teaches you nothing and prepares you for everything—and especially in my case—this is absolutely true.
Q. What first sparked your interest in supporting the Agents Advocacy Coalition and its causes?
I’ve been involved with the western New York legislative District Office Visits for over 10 years, and I have represented PIA in Albany—including meetings with the Senate and Assembly Insurance Committee chairpersons and ranking members. I’ve also represented PIA National over the past 10 years at its Washington, D.C., legislative visits. It’s important to meet elected representatives, build relationships, tell our story, and explain how our legislative initiatives impact their constituents positively. Contributions to the AAC allow us to leverage legislators’ support for our initiatives—exceeding what any individual PIA member can do alone.
Q. In your opinion, what are the most important issues or policies the Agents Advocacy Coalition is helping to support?
Our PIANY Government Affairs Committee prioritizes legislative initiatives that are good public policy, revenue-neutral, or both. We’ve had some of our priorities enacted into law over the past few years, and this is due to persistence. The AAC’s support helps ensure that our legislative efforts continue to move forward and make an impact.
Q. If you could give one piece of advice to potential new donors considering supporting the AAC, what would it be?
The AAC is an essential part of the legislative process and provides an opportunity for every member to have a voice in keeping our association front and center with our representatives. Even a small contribution—like the cost of a cup of coffee a week—can make a difference. The goal of the AAC is twofold: to raise funds and to raise people. Showing our representatives that our membership is on board is key—regardless of the amount of the contribution.
Q. Lastly, can you give readers one book, movie, or show recommendation?
I enjoy anything by Daniel Silva or Lee Child. They’re entertaining and a nice break from the insurance rat race—nothing too intellectually challenging, but definitely enjoyable.
Have questions or would like more information about AAC,
give us a call at (800) 424-4244 or email us at:
Incentives and Rewards
Club membership
Receives …
a thank-you letter, email signature, donor certificate, and listing in the yearly “thank you” magazine ad.
all AAC Club rewards
+ an AAC lapel pin.
all Century Club rewards
+ an invitation to our annual PAC event at conference.
For every $250 above Capitol you give, you receive another ticket to the conference event: e.g., if you give $500, you receive 2 tickets, $750, 3 tickets, etc.
all Capitol Club rewards
+ an AAC coffee mug.
all Gold Club rewards
+ a handwritten thank-you note from Jeff Parmenter,
CEO, PIA Management Services.
all Diamond Club rewards
+ an AAC hat, and a plaque to hang in your office.
Any Platinum donor giving between $2,000-2,499 also receives invites to video conferences with political updates from our PIA Northeast staff and PIANY lobbyists.
all Platinum Club rewards
+ an AAC polo shirt.
Any Excelsior donor giving between $3,500-$4,999 also receives a call from Jeff Parmenter thanking you for your donation.
Any Excelsior donor giving the state maximum of $5,000 will also receive a special personalized plaque to hang in your office recognizing your donation.