May 2, 2022
The latest on the COVID-19 pandemic
It is important to PIA that you are updated on developments pertaining to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak regularly.
To find the latest information about COVID-19, please review this news posting daily. Postings include topics such as:
Latest news about COVID-19 in Connecticut:
Business & Compliance:
Feb. 15: Gov. Lamont statement on today’s expiration of his authority to issue emergency orders related to the COVID-19
Jan. 12: Gov. Lamont highlights business pandemic recovery in Made by Connecticut episode
Jan. 5, 2022: Gov. Lamont launches CareerConneCT, investing $70 million to help workers impacted by COVID-19 get back to work through job training programs
Dec. 20: Gov. Lamont announces option for Connecticut residents to digitally store COVID-19 vaccination records on mobile devices
Sept. 22: Gov. Lamont issues call for General Assembly to meet in a limited special session on the COVID-19 public health and civil preparedness emergencies
Aug. 30: Gov. Lamont announces initial round of Back to Work CT bonus payments being mailed this week
Aug. 5: Gov. Lamont issues executive order allowing municipalities to implement universal mask requirements, announces unvaccinated nursing home staff will be required to receive weekly tests
July 19: Canadian border to open to vaccinated Americans starting Monday, Aug. 9, 2021.
July 13: Gov. Lamont signs renewed COVID-19 emergency declarations, remaining in effect through Thursday, Sept. 30, 2021.
May 19: Gov. Lamont: Connecticut Department of Public Health releases guidance document on state’s modified mask policies
May 18: Gov. Lamont renews COVID-19 emergency declaration, which remains in effect through Tuesday, July 20, 2021.
May 17: Gov. Lamont announces Back to Work CT program, giving long-term unemployed residents $1,000 payments for obtaining new jobs following impact of COVID-19 pandemic
May 17: Gov. Lamont announces updated mask protocols in Connecticut beginning Wednesday, May 19, 2021.
April 22: Gov. Lamont announces proposal for using American Rescue Plan funds to rebuild Connecticut’s workforce
April 20: Gov. Lamont signs renewed COVID-19 emergency declaration, remaining in effect through Thursday, May 20, 2021.
April 19: Gov. Lamont to lift all business restrictions on Wednesday, May 19, 2021
March 19: Mandatory requirements of state’s travel advisory no longer in effect; Department of Revenue Services extends deadline for Connecticut individual income tax returns to Monday, May 17, 2021.
March 15: Gov. Lamont and congressional delegation announce launch of state program to provide emergency rental and utility assistance amid COVID-19 pandemic
March 10: Alert: How to avoid COVID-19 vaccination scams
March 4: Gov. Lamont announces plans to ease some COVID-19 restrictions in Connecticut
Feb. 24: Gov. Lamont applauds House approval of legislation on tax fairness during the COVID-19 pandemic
Feb. 16: Gov. Lamont announces potential next steps for expanding capacity of social and recreational events
Feb. 5: Paycheck Protection Program returns
Dec. 30: The federal stimulus extensions for PPP, unemployment and FFCRA tax credits
Dec. 16: Gov. Lamont signs?executive order?suspending and modifying tax deadlines and collection efforts for tax bills that become due and payable on Friday, Jan. 1, 2021; suspending municipal assessor certification program requirement; and modifying alcoholic liquor sales by caterers.
Dec. 4: Gov. Lamont increases weekly?benefit amount and qualification for lost wages assistance
Dec. 4: Gov. Lamont announces executive order expanding federal lost wages assistance for low-wage unemployed workers during COVID-19 pandemic
Dec. 1: Gov. Lamont signs executive order increasing the flexibility in hiring short-term substitute teachers, permitting the sale of alcoholic liquor at virtual events by charitable organizations, and resuming certain judicial?branch requirements and deadlines.?
Nov. 24: Gov. Lamont announces fines for businesses violating COVID-19 rules increase to $10,000
Nov. 20: Gov. Lamont signs 81st executive order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19: DECD granted authority to enact rules for all sports activities; Renewals for certain permits extended; Extending authorization for online CE for plumbers and electricians; Extended deadlines for CE for plumbers and electricians
Nov. 9: Gov. Lamont extends COVID-19 executive orders and agency and municipality order of concurrent duration with public health and civil preparedness emergencies to Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021.
Nov. 2: Gov. Lamont announces Connecticut will roll back to Phase 2.1 rules?beginning Friday, Nov. 6, 2020.
Oct. 20: Gov. Lamont creates program to assist small businesses impacted by COVID-19
Oct. 19: Gov. Lamont announces grant program to support Connecticut’s arts community amid COVID-19 pandemic
Oct. 13: Gov. Lamont signs executive order that enacts the following: Municipal authority to revert to the more restrictive pre-Oct. 8, 2020, size and capacity limitations and rules for certain businesses and gatherings.
Oct. 1: U.S. Senate halts PPP
Sept. 25: Gov. Lamont signs 72nd executive order that extends the prohibition on sale of alcohol by certain permittees without the sale of food; and extends contracting flexibility regulated to student privacy data.
Sept. 24: Gov. Lamont announces Connecticut moves toward Phase Three of reopening on Thursday, Oct. 8, 2020.
Sept. 23: PURA extends COVID-19 payment program enrollment date
Sept. 21: Gov. Lamont announces launch of Connecticut’s new online state tax filing system
Sept. 8: Gov. Lamont signs executive order renewing and extending all unexpired executive orders that were issued under the March 10, 2020, public health and civil preparedness emergency declarations through Monday, Nov. 9, 2020; and extending agency and municipality orderse of concurrent duration with public health and civil preparedness emergencies.
Sept. 4: Gov. Lamont signs executive order enabling commissioners of Early Childhood and Education to issue operational rules, and extends the prohibition on sale of alcohol by certain permitees without the sale of food.
Aug. 21: Gov. Lamont extends Connecticut’s pandemic eviction moratorium to Thursday, Oct 1, 2020
July 17: Gov. Lamont statement on workers’ compensation
July 8: State campgrounds open for the season
July 6: Lamont suspends Phase Three; Bars stay closed for now
July 6: U.S. Census Bureau Small Business Pulse Survey (updated weekly)
June 30: Gov. Lamont expands state’s youth employment program amid COVID-19 crisis
June 23: DMV partially reopens for select in-person services
June 15: Businesses reminded to self-certify prior to Phase Two opening on Wednesday
June 7: Gov. Lamont releases business documents for phase two reopening on June 17
June 5: Paycheck Protection Program requirements amended
May 18: Gov. Lamont and Gov. Raimondo to align hair salon and barber shop reopenings early June
May 6: Small-business owners and workers asked to provide input on reopening efforts
April 2: Looking for more information on paid medical, family and sick leave? PIA members can access QS91012—FFCRA paid medical and family leave, and QS91013—Additional information about paid medical, family and sick leave questions in the PIA QuickSource library.
April 2: Start applying for a Paycheck Protection Program loan Friday, April 3
April 1: How to prepare for an SBA Paycheck Protection Program loan
March 27: Important DECD update
March 27: President signs federal stimulus package; includes loans for small businesses
March 26: Who qualifies for paid leave under the new coronavirus law
March 26: Connecticut launches small-business bridge loan program
March 23: Nonessential businesses must cease in-person functions; more updates from weekend
March 22: Gov. Lamont releases guidance to businesses on order asking Connecticut to ’stay safe, stay home’
March 20: U.S. Treasury extends tax-filing deadline for taxpayers and businesses
March 20: Business interruption insurance and the novel coronavirus
March 19: Updates from governor about small- to mid-size businesses
March 19: Paid sick leave signed by president
March 18: Treasury and IRS to delay tax payment deadline by 90 days
March 13: U.S. House plans to vote on virus bill soon
March 10: Utica National offers coronavirus guidance for employers, and educational institutions
March 3, 2020: Endorsements: COVID-19 risk management
Insurance Industry:
Nov. 3: PIA will not support reintroduced future pandemic legislation
Aug. 20: Connecticut insurance commissioner: All insured are eligible for no-cost COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine booster shot
May 10, 2021: Gov. Lamont signs legislation extending telehealth services for another two years
Dec. 8: Insurance commissioner reminds that all insureds are eligible for no-cost COVID-19 vaccines
Aug. 25: Health insurance coverage for telehealth revised
June 22: U.S. insurers eye Legionnaires’ disease safeguards as buildings reopen from pandemic shutdowns
June 12: CID issues Bulletin FS-40: Compliance with certain hard copy filing requirements/Forms D and D-1 seal in light of COVID-19, and Bulletin FS-41: Compliance with certain hard copy filing requirements in light of COVID-19.
May 18: Insurance commissioner reminds businesses to verify coverage during reopening
May 13: Insurance producers licensed in N.J.: DOBI bulletin requires insurers to provide premium relief
May 5: NCCI provides relief for policyholders affected by COVID-19
April 29: Bulletin FS-39: Compliance with certain hard copy filing requirements in light of COVID-19
April 29: Bulletin FS-38: Compliance with certain hard copy filing requirements and certain holding company filings in light of COVID-19
April 24: PIA National praises House passage of bill to add funds to CARES act programs
April 21: Insurance commissioner granting temporary insurance producer licenses to new resident applicants
April 16: PIA National opposes business interruption legislation
April 14: AAIS COVID-19 pandemic resource center
April 3: Travelers’ ’Distribution Support Plan’ to provide financial assistance to agents and brokers
April 3: Insurance producers required to provide notice to N.Y. policyholders by April 13, 2020
March 31: PIA National proposes COVID-19 recovery fund
March 27: PIA National statement on House passage of COVID-19 relief bill
March 27: PIA National statement on Senate passage of COVID-19 relief bill
March 26: Commissioner Mais calls on auto insurers to extend coverage to delivery drivers’ personal vehicles
March 24: CID requests 60-day grace period for cancellations
March 24: DECD: Insurance agencies an essential business, and may continue necessary business operations
March 24: CID: License renewals and continuing-education compliance dates extended to June 30
March 20: Utica National offers advices on the COVID-19 pandemic: How agents and producers should respond to coverage questions
March 19: Even during challenging times, we are committed to our members
March 18: PIACT updates members about COVID-19
March 17: Insurance department temporarily closes office to the public
March 17: A message about COVID-19 from PIACT Lobbyist James Woulfe, Esq.
March 12: COVID-19 and what it means to you (PIA QuickSource document)
March 12: Insurers impacted by coronavirus twice over
March 11: Connecticut Insurance Department issues notice to travel insurers due to state emergecy declaration
March 11: Update from PIACT: Conn. leaders take precautions; COVID-19 in state
March 10: Conn. insurers agree to cover costs of COVID-19 testing
March 9: Coronavirus will cost businesses billions. Insurance may not help.
March 6: Update from PIA: COVID-19 outbreak
Feb. 4, 2020: Many coverage exclusions with coronavirus
General Information:
May 2: Gov. Lamont announces launch of MyHomeCT: A federally funded mortgage relief program for Connecticut homeowners financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
Feb. 7: Gov. Lamont announces plan to eliminate statewide school mask requirement, allow these decisions to be determined at the local level
Jan. 4, 2022: Gov. Lamont announces state distribution of 670,000 COVID-19 rapid self-tests for K-12 schools and early child care providers
Dec. 29: Gov. Lamont statement with update on shipment update of COVID-19 at-home rapid tests
Dec. 29: Gov. Lamont directs Connecticut’s earned income tax for 2020 to be retroactively enhanced to 41.5% using federal coronavirus relief funds
Dec. 28: Gov. Lamont calls up Connecticut National Guard soldiers and airmen to assist in COVID-19 at-home test and mask distribution
Dec. 27: Gov. Lamont announces plans to distribute three million COVID-19 at-home rapid tests and six million N95 masks in Connecticut
Dec. 14: Gov. Lamont marks one year of the COVID-19 vaccine, but stresses that there still is work to do
Dec. 4: Gov. Lamont announces first confirmed COVID-19 Omicron variant case in Connecticut
Nov. 28: Gov. Lamont Statement on New COVID Variant Omicron
Nov. 4: Data updates on variants in Connecticut
Nov. 2: Gov. Lamont and Public Health Commissioner Juthani announce COVID-19 vaccines now available to children ages five to 11
Oct. 28: Data updates on variants in Connecticut
Oct. 27: Conn. DPH provides information about COVID-19 vaccines for 5-11-year-old children: Roll-out expected to begin next week
Oct. 22: Gov. Lamont provides update on executive branch state employee compliance with COVID-19
Oct. 21: Data updates on variants in Connecticut
Oct. 18: Gov. Lamont: National report shows Connecticut ranks first in childhood vaccinations
Oct. 14: Data updates on variants in Connecticut
Oct. 7: Gov. Lamont provides update on executive branch state employee compliance with COVID-19 vaccination and testing requirements
Oct. 7: Data updates on variants in Connecticut
Oct. 5: Gov. Lamont provides update on COVID-19 vaccination and testing requirements among executive branch state employees
Oct. 3: Gov. Lamont provides update on COVID-19 vaccination and testing requirements among state employees
Sept. 30: Data updates on variants in Connecticut
Sept. 29: Gov. Lamont directs nearly $10 million in COVID relief funding for Connecticut’s dairy and aquaculture industries
Sept. 28: Gov. Lamont signs executive order extending the duration of and making revisions to several previously issued COVID-19 orders
Sept. 23: Data updates on variants in Connecticut
Sept. 16: Data updates on variants in Connecticut
Sept. 10: Gov. Lamont clarifies order requiring state employees, child care and school staff to get vaccinated or tested for COVID-19
Sept. 3: Gov. Lamont signs executive order permitting nursing homes to hire temporary nurse aids
Sept. 2: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Sept. 1: Gov. Lamont launches new ad campaign for Connecticut’s COVID-19 vaccination program
Aug. 27: Gov. Lamont announces federal approval of Connecticut’s plan for coronavirus emergency relief funding in schools
Aug. 26: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Aug. 19: Gov. Lamont announces state employees, child care and school staff will be required to get vaccinated for COVID-19
Aug. 19: Gov. Lamont issues order allowing patients and their doctors to access own COVID-19 vaccination records
Aug. 14: Gov. Lamont announces Connecticut implementing CDC recommendations on additional COVID-19 vaccine doses for individuals with compromised immune systems
Aug. 12: Data updates on variants in Connecticut
Aug. 6: Gov. Lamont orders long-term care facility staff in Connecticut to be vaccinated against COVID-19
Aug. 4: Gov. Lamont and Public Health Acting Commissioner Gifford express concern over COVID-19 outbreaks, highlight reduced risk for vaccinated persons
Aug. 2: Gov. Lamont announces deployment of more than $16 million to support local special education COVID-19 recovery efforts
July 26: Gov. Lamont nominates Dr. Manisha Juthani as public health commissioner
July 16: Connecticut’s SNAP-eligible households to receive additional emergency food benefits Friday, July 23, 2021.
June 14: Gov. Murphy signs executive order ending moratorium on utility shutoffs, establishes six-month grace period
June 3: Data updates on variants in Connecticut
May 21: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 20: Data updates on variants in Connecticut
May 19: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 17: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
May 14: Gov. Lamont provides updates on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 13: Data updates on variants in Connecticut
May 12: Gov. Lamont announces 12-15-year-olds in Connecticut can receive Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.
May 12: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 11: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 10: Data updates on vaccine administration
May 7: Connecticut Department of Health releases data on COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough cases,?highlighting the vaccine’s effectiveness against the virus.
May 6: Data updates on variants in Connecticut
May 6: Gov. Lamont announces partnership with nine historically African American fraternities and sororities to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations
May 6: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 4: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 3: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
May 3: Gov. Lamont announces grants to 27 local health departments in Connecticut to promote vaccine equity partnerships
April 30: Gov. Lamont signs executive order that extends authority for the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue duplicate driver’s licenses and identification credentials remotely, and permits service of alcohol outdoors without requiring that drinks be served with food.
April 29: Data updates on variants in Connecticut
April 28: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
April 27: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
April 26: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
April 26: Certain COVID-19 vaccination clinics will no longer require appointments beginning tomorrow
April 26: Gov. Lamont releases proposal for federal COVID-19 recovery funding from the American Rescue Plan Act
April 23: Connecticut’s SNAP-eligible households to receive additional emergency food benefits Tuesday, April 27, and Wednesday, April 28
April 22: Data updates on variants in Connecticut
April 21: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
April 16: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
April 15: Data updates on variants in Connecticut
April 14: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
April 13: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
April 12: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
April 12: Gov. Lamont launches state initiative to address student absenteeism and disengagement resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic
April 9: Connecticut residents eligible to receive FEMA funeral assistance funding
April 8: Data updates on variants in Connecticut
April 7: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
April 6: Gov. Lamont signs executive order permitting all voters in any election, primary or referendum held before Thursday, May 20, 2021, to use absentee ballots, citing the pandemic as the reason?
April 5: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
April 2: Department of Social Services announces that 220,000 children enrolled in school meals program will receive additional SNAP benefits in April through Pandemic EBT program
April 1: Data updates on variants in Connecticut
March 31: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
March 31: Gov. Lamont announces Connecticut remains on track to expand COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to all adults on Thursday, April 1, 2021.
March 30: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
March 30: Gov. Lamont announces $33 million for local partnerships to increase vaccine equity
March 29: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
March 26: Gov. Lamont announces historic investments in child care programs impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
March 26: Connecticut DPH partners with Access Health CT to increase vaccine access
March 25: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
March 24: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
March 23: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
March 22: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
March 18: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
March 17: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
March 16: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
March 15: Gov. Lamont announces accelerated schedule to provide COVID-19 vaccines to Connecticut residents as quickly and equitably as possible
March 12: Additional COVID-19 variants confirmed in Connecticut
March 11: Gov. Lamont statement on President Biden’s address to the nation regarding COVID-19
March 11: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
March 10: Gov. Lamont applauds final congressional approval of the American Rescue Plan
March 9: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
March 8: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
March 8: ICYMI: Secretary McCaw’s testimony on legislation concerning COVID-19 relief funds
March 5: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
March 4: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
March 4: Gov. Lamont signs order opening Connecticut’s fishing season early
March 3: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
March 2: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
March 1: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
Feb. 25: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
Feb. 24: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut coronavirus response efforts
Feb. 23: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut coronavirus response efforts
Feb. 22: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
Feb. 22: Gov. Lamont announces Connecticut will continue age-based approach to COVID-19 vaccine eligibility; educators and child care providers to have dedicated clinics in March
Feb. 19: Update on hospital capacity in Connecticut
Feb. 17: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Feb. 15: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Feb. 11: Updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
Feb. 10: Data on COVID-19 vaccine administration by race and ethnicity released
Feb. 9: Additional SNAP benefits coming Thursday, Feb. 18, 2021, to 117,000 Connecticut households
Feb. 8: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
Feb. 4: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
Feb. 3: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Feb. 1: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
Jan. 29, 2021: Joint statement from local governors on extending the suspension of interstate youth hockey
Jan. 29: Weekly update on hospital capacity in Connecticut
Jan. 28: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
Jan. 27: Gov. Lamont provides updates on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Jan. 26: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Jan. 25: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
Jan. 22: Weekly update on hospital capacity in Connecticut
Jan. 21: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
Jan. 20: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Jan. 19: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
Jan. 19: Gov. Lamont announces tiered approach to Phase 1B vaccine appointments
Jan. 15: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Jan. 14: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
Jan. 13: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Jan. 12: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Jan. 11: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
Jan. 8: Update on hospital capacity in Connecticut
Jan. 7: Data updates on vaccine distribution on Connecticut
Jan. 7: Gov. Lamont announces two cases of COVID-19 variant confirmed in Connecticut
Jan. 6: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Jan. 5: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Jan. 4: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
Jan. 2, 2021: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Dec. 31: Weekly update of DPH’s COVID-19 Alert Map: 162 municipalities in red zone alert level
Dec. 30: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
Dec. 30: Joint statement from local governors on extending suspension of interstate youth hockey
Dec. 30: Gov. Lamont commits an additional $31.2 million to support nursing homes during COVID-19 pandemic
Dec. 29: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Dec. 28: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
Dec. 24: Weekly update of DPH’s COVID-19 Alert Map: 161 municipalities in red zone alert level
Dec. 23: Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut
Dec. 22: PIA praises House, Senate passage of coronavirus relief
Dec. 21: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Dec. 21: Gov. Lamont announces approval of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine in Connecticut
Dec. 18: Gov. Lamont implements new guidelines for Connecticut’s COVID-19 travel advisory
Dec. 17: Data updates on vaccine distribution in Connecticut
Dec. 15: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Dec. 14: Gov. Lamont provides updates on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Dec. 13: Gov. Lamont announces Connecticut vaccine distribution plan to begin
Dec. 11: Congress struggles to pass coronavirus relief package
Dec. 10: Weekly update of the Department of Public Health’s COVID-19 Alert Map: 163 municipalities now in red
Dec. 3: Gov. Lamont announces Connecticut receives federal extension of Connecticut National Guard’s COVID-19 support through March
Dec. 3: Lamont administration releases framework for COVID-19 vaccine distribution in Connecticut
Dec. 2: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Nov. 30: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Nov. 27: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Nov. 25: One hundred and fifty municipalities now in red
Nov. 24: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Nov. 23: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Nov. 19: COVID-19 Alert Map: 145 municipalities now in red
Nov. 18: Regional coalition of Northeast governors announce colleges will be encouraged to provide testing for students before leaving for Thanksgiving break, recommend expanded remote instruction to end fall semester safely
Nov. 18: PURA extends COVID-19 payment program enrollment date
Nov. 17: Vermont added to travel advisory; no locations removed
Nov. 13: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Nov. 12: Weekly update of the Department of Public Health’s COVID-19 Alert Map: 100 municipalities now in red
Nov. 12: Gov. Lamont announces launch of COVID Alert CT, the exposure notification app in Connecticut
Nov. 11: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Nov. 10: Maine and New Hampshire added to travel advisory, no locations removed
Nov. 6: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Nov. 4: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Nov. 3: Oregon and Washington added to travel advisory; no locations removed
Oct. 30: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Oct.?27: Gov. Lamont amends travel advisory to exempt travelers from New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island
Oct. 26: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Oct. 22: Update from the Department of Public Health’s COVID-19 alert map: 19 municipalities in red
Oct. 16: Gov. Lamont announces limited number of fans can attend Toronto FC game on Sunday, Nov. 1, 2020
Oct. 14: Additional SNAP benefits coming to 105,000 households in Connecticut on Friday, Oct. 16, 2020
Oct. 12: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Oct. 9: Gov. Lamont announces membership of the COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Group
Oct. 9: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Oct. 7: Gov. Cuomo announces second round of funding to expand telepractice capacity across New York state
Oct. 5: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Oct. 2: Gov. Lamont signs bill to facilitate processing of absentee ballots during upcoming general election
Oct. 1: Weekly update on the impact of COVID-19 on nursing homes and assisted-living facilities
Sept. 18: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Sept. 16: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Sept. 10: Weekly update on the impact of COVID-19 on nursing homes and assisted-living facilities
Sept. 3: Weekly update on the impact of COVID-19 on nursing homes and assisted living facilities
Sept. 2: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Sept. 1: Weekly update to the regional travel advisory; two states added, no areas removed
Aug. 28: Judicial branch to resume court operations at four more locations on Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2020
Aug. 26: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Aug. 25: Guam added, five states removed from Connecticut travel advisory
Aug. 24: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Aug. 20: Weekly update on the impact of COVID-19 on nursing homes and assisted living facilities
Aug. 19: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Aug. 18: Lamont administration receives interim report on COVID-19 in Connecticut’s long-term care facilities
Aug. 18: Alaska, Delaware added to Conn. travel advisory list; Washington state removed
Aug. 17: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Aug. 12: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Aug. 11: R.I. removed, Hawaii added to locaions on the updated Connecticut COVID-19 travel advisory
Aug. 10: Management of absentee ballots for today’s primary
Aug. 7: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
Aug. 4:A list of states included in Lamont’s travel advisory to quarantine for 14 days
July 31: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
July 29: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
July 28: Regional travel advisory expanded to include more locations with high COVID-19 infection rates
July 27: Connecticut DMV announces additional deadline extensions
July 25: Updated data on the impact of COVID-19 on nursing homes and assisted living facilities
July 22: Connecticut receives FEMA Feeding Program extension through Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2020.
July 21: Gov. Lamont signs 62nd executive order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, enacting the repeal of advisory self-quarantine; mandatory self-quarantine for travelers from states with high COVID-19 infection levels; and the extension of statuatory or regulatory deadlines by DMV.
July 16: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
July 15: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
July 10: Updated data on the impact of COVID-19 on nursing homes and assisted living facilities
July 9: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
July 3: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
July 1: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 30: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 28: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 27: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 25: Gov. Lamont announces plans for 2020-21 school year amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
June 25: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response effforts
June 21: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 20: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 18: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 17: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 16: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 14: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 13: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 12: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 10: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 8: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 7: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 6: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 5: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 5: Preparing for a hurricane season during a pandemic: What’s in your Go Bag?
June 4: Gov. Lamont establishes program to reimburse towns and cities for expenses related to COVID-19
June 4: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 2: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
June 1: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 31: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 30: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 29: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 28: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 27: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 26: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 25: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 24: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 23: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 21: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 19: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 17: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May?15: Gov. Lamont announces Connecticut’s?Shoreline State Park?beaches will be open Memorial Day Weekend?
May 14: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 12: Merrill opinion broadens absentee ballot access
May 13: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 10: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 7: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 5: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 4: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 3: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 2: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
May 1: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response effects
April 27: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
April 26: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
April 20: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
April 17: Gov. Lamont orders Connecticut’s presidential primary election further rescheduled to Aug. 11
April 16: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s response efforts
April 12: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
March 30: Gov. Lamont announces approval of federal disaster declaration for COVID-19 response in Connecticut
March 20: Conn. DMV announces extension for renewal of DMV credentials
March 18: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
March 17: Gov. Lamont provides update on Connecticut’s coronavirus response efforts
March 17: Attorney General Tong provides update on coronavirus price gouging complaints
March 17: Congress begins to address COVID-19 pandemic
March 13: Trump declares a national emergency in response to coronavirus
March 13: Federal government’s response to coronavirus, COVID-19
March 11: COVID-19 is now officially a pandemic, the World Health Organization says
March 10: Attorney General Tong releases guidance on price gouging enforcement
March 8, 2020: Gov. Ned Lamont announces first positive case of novel coronavirus involving Connecticut resident
Webinars & Videos:
Aug. 27: The Break: Workers’ Compensation and COVID-19
Aug. 6: The Break: EPLI and COVID-19
June 4: The Break: New York’s Phase Two of Reopening
May 26: The Break: Safely Returning to Business
May 19: The Break: The Process of Reopening
May 15: The Break: The Liability of Reopening
May 13: The Break: Workers’ Compensation and the Coronavirus
May 1: COVID-19 and the Construction Site
April 21: The Break: The New Jersey Grace Period
April 16: The Break: Vacancy Clauses
April 13: The Break: The Connecticut Grace Period
April 7: The Break: Business Interruption
April 7: The Break: New York Moratorium
April 2: The Break: Paycheck Protection Loan
April 1: The Break: Paid Medical and Family Leave
April 1: PIA Northeast Director of Government & Industry Affairs Bradford J. Lachut, Esq., to lead PIA webinar, Coronavirus and Commercial Coverage on Monday, April 13, and Wednesday, May 6, from 10-11 a.m.
March 31: The Break: PIA explains what small businesses need to know about the federal stimulus
March 23: Did you miss the free-to-PIA-members Webinar: Coronavirus: What You Need to Know Right Now? You can access it on-demand now.
March 10: Video: Insurance department commissioner talks coronavirus