Mar 31, 2022
The latest on the COVID-19 pandemic
It is important to PIA that you are updated on developments pertaining to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak regularly.
To find the latest information about COVID-19, please review this news posting daily. Posting topics such as:
Latest news about COVID-19 in New Hampshire:
Business & Compliance:
July 19: Canadian border to open to vaccinated Americans starting Monday, Aug. 9, 2021.
July 8: The facts behind today’s unemployment numbers
June 10: $100 million in tax relief: Gov. Sununu signs S.B.3 into law
May 7: Gov. Sununu extends the state emergency another 21 days
May 5: Gov. Sununu sends two letters to U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, requesting additional flexibility funds allocated to New Hampshire for emergency rental assistance; and requesting a waiver to any requirement that the Governor’s Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery treat more than 50% of PPP payments as revenue in determining what organizations must return part or all of their grants under the state’s 2020 Main Street Relief program.
April 16: Gov. Chris Sununu extends the state of emergency another 21 days
April 15: Gov. Chris Sununu announces statewide mask mandate to expire tomorrow
March 26: Gov. Chris Sununu extends the state of emergency 21 days
March 15: Gov. Sununu announces launch of New Hampshire Emergency Rental Assistance Program
March 10: Alert: How to avoid COVID-19 vaccination scams
March 5: Gov. Chris Sununu extends the state of emergency again
March 1: Gov. Chris Sununu raises alarm over blue state bailout bill
Feb. 16: New Hampshire to receive $20 million for child care programs
Feb. 12: Gov. Sununu extends the state of emergency again
Feb. 12: Gov. Sununu lifts New Hampshire’s hiring freeze
Feb. 5: Paycheck Protection Program returns
Jan. 15, 2021: Mask mandate extended through Friday, March 26, 2021
Dec. 30: The federal stimulus extensions for PPP, unemployment and FFCRA tax credits
Nov. 12: New Hampshire COVID-19 employer travel, screening and exclusion guidance
Oct. 1: U.S. Senate halts PPP
Sept. 9: Gov. Chris Sununu signs emergency order adjusting unemployment benefits for New Hampshire residents adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
July 17: Gov. Chris Sununu vetoes H.B.1166
July 6: U.S. Census Bureau Small Business Pulse Survey (updated weekly)
June 15: Gov. Sununu issues Emergency Order #52, regarding public health guidance for business operations and advising Granite Staters that they are safer at home.
June 11: Gov. Sununu signs executive order allowing landlords to evict tenants for nonpayment starting Wednesday, July 1, 2020.
June 11: Gov. Sununu releases additional reopening guidelines, announces expiration of Stay at Home order
June 5: Paycheck Protection Program requirements amended
May 15: Gov. Chris Sununu announces $595 million in COVID-19 recovery funds
May 15: Gov. Sununu announces relief program for businesses
May 1: Gov. Chris Sununu announces Stay at Home 2.0
May 1: Gov. Chris Sununu issues Emergency Order 40
April 23: Gov. Chris Sununu letter to New Hampshire Business and Industry Association President Jim Roche
April 8: Attorney general’s COVID-19 scam alert: Stimulus payments
April 2: Looking for more information on paid medical, family and sick leave? PIA members can access QS91012—FFCRA paid medical and family leave, and QS91013—Additional information about paid medical, family and sick leave questions in the PIA QuickSource library.
April 2: Start applying for a Paycheck Protection Program loan Friday, April 3
April 1: How to prepare for an SBA Paycheck Protection Program loan
March 27: President signs federal stimulus package; includes loans for small businesses
March 26: Who qualifies for paid leave under the new coronavirus law
March 24: New Hampshire Department of Business and Economic Affair offers COVID-19 resources
March 23: Gov. Sununo issues Emergency Order 11 granting temporary authority for remote, online notorization
March 21: Gov. Chris Sununu issues emergency order in response to COVID-19
March 20: U.S. Treasury extends tax-filing deadline for taxpayers and businesses
March 20: Sununu signs emergency order to offer financial support to health care system
March 19: Paid sick leave signed by president
March 18: SBA declaration: approved
March 18: Treasury and IRS to delay tax payment deadline by 90 days
March 18: Executive actions in response to COVID-19
March 17: Gov. Sununu issues three emergency orders to provide relief
March 16: State takes steps to limit COVID-19 spread
March 13: U.S. House plans to vote on virus bill soon
March 13: Update: Information regarding COVID-19 and March 2020 town meetings and business sessions
March 12: Gov. Sununu’s letter to Senate President Soucy and House Speaker Shurtleff
March 10: Utica National offers coronavirus guidance for employers, and educational institutions
March 4: Gov. Chris Sununu statement on initial federal funding to combat coronavirus outbreak
March 3, 2020: Endorsements: COVID-19 risk management
Insurance Industry:
Jan. 31, 2022: NHID issues information sheet regarding implementation of at-home COVID-19 testing reimbursement mandate
Nov. 3: PIA will not support reintroduced future pandemic legislation
April 9: NHID provides FAQ guidance to consumers on the insurance provisions of the American Rescue Plan
March 24, 2021: NHID provides guidance to consumers on newly extended special enrollment period and insurance provisions in American Rescue Plan
Oct. 8: Third party administrator on-site audits
June 22: U.S. insurers eye Legionnaires’ disease safeguards as buildings reopen from pandemic shutdowns
May 13: Insurance producers licensed in N.J.: DOBI bulletin requires insurers to provide premium relief
May 5: NCCI provides premium relief for policyholders affected by COVID-19
April 24: PIA National praises House passage of bill to add funds to CARES act programs
April 16: PIA National opposes business interruption legislation
April 14: AAIS COVID-19 pandemic resource center
April 10: Information for N.H. residents who have employer-sponsored life insurance plans
April 9: Major medical health insurers in New Hampshire waive the cost of COVID-19 treatment
April 3: Travelers’ ’Distribution Support Plan’ to provide financial assistance to agents and brokers
April 3: Insurance producers required to provide notice to N.Y. policyholders by April 13, 2020
April 2: New Hampshire getting another $147M from virus aid package
April 1: NHID extends producer license renewal dates
March 31: PIA National proposes COVID-19 recovery fund
March 30: NHID Bulletin: Extension of insurance producer license renewal deadlines
March 27: PIA National statement on House passage of COVID-19 relief bill
March 27: Insurance an essential industry for ’Stay-at-Home’ order
March 27: PIA National statement on Senate passage of COVID-19 relief bill
March 24: NHID issues guidance on Title 37, P/C signature requirements during COVID-19 pandemic
March 20: Utica National offers advices on the COVID-19 pandemic: How agents and producers should respond to coverage questions
March 19: Information for N.H. residents who have recently lost their employer sponsored health insurance
March 19: Even during challenging times, we are committed to our members
March 18: NHID moves Section 1332 waiver public hearings to online format
March 12: COVID-19 and what it means to you (PIA QuickSource document)
March 12: Insurers impacted by coronavirus twice over
March 9: Coronavirus will cost businesses billions. Insurance may not help.
March 6: Update from PIA: COVID-19 outbreak
Feb. 4, 2020: Many coverage exclusions with coronavirus
General Information:
Feb. 8: Gov. Chris Sununu letter to U.S. Treasury Department regarding Emergency Rental Assistance flexibility
Jan. 3: Feds announce delay in monoclonal antibody teams
Jan. 3, 2022: Over 6,000 Granite Staters sign up for Booster Blitz appointments
Dec. 30: N.H. set to receive Department of Defense deployment team
Dec. 29: New Hampshire to receive three FEMA monoclonal antibody teams at beginning of new year
Dec. 7: New Hampshire opens fixed vaccination sites
Dec. 1: Booster Blitz ahead: Registration open for COVID-19 booster sites
Oct. 8: Gov. Sununu statement on AG memo
April 13: State pauses J&J vaccine, won’t slow down successful roll out
April 8: Additional J&J appointments available this Sunday
April 5: New Hampshire to host third mass vaccination site this weekend
April 2: Gov. Chris Sununu issues Emergency Order 89, requiring school districts to offer students the option of classroom learning, hybrid learning or distance learning unless granted permission to go fully remote as a result of a COVID-19 outbreak. The school districts have 48 hours of remote learning to seek approval.
March 31: N.H. expands eligibility, additional 35,000+ Granite Staters schedule appointments
March 29: N.H. first state to open eligibility for 40+ with successful registration day?
March 23: New Hampshire to host second mass vaccination site this weekend
March 18: N.H. veterans homes Infection Control Assessment and Response report released
March 16: State of New Hampshire to launch VINI, begin Phase 2A scheduling
Feb. 25: Gov. Sununu announces the New Hampshire Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Feb. 19: Gov. Sununu signs back-to-school emergency order
Feb. 3: Biden’s CDC director agrees with Gov. Sununu that schools can reopen safely
Jan. 29: Joint statement from local governors on extending the suspension of interstate youth hockey
Jan. 25: Nearly 200,000 Granite Staters sign up for vaccination
Jan. 22: Gov. Sununu extends the state of emergency another 21 days
Jan. 19: Phase 1B vaccination scheduling to begin Friday
Jan. 1, 2021: Gov. Sununu extends the state of emergency again
Dec. 31: Gov. Sununu signs executive order authorizing certain military service members and emergency medical technicians to obtain temporary licensure as a licensed nursing assistant, as part of the state’s efforts to combat COVID-19
Dec. 30: 2021 outdoor inaugural ceremony canceled amid ongoing public safety concerns
Dec. 30: Joint statement from local governors on extending the suspension of interstate youth hockey
Dec. 28: 13 vaccination sites to open to first responders, ambulatory care providers
Dec. 22: PIA praises House, Senate passage of coronavirus relief
Dec. 15: First COVID-19 vaccine administered in New Hampshire
Dec. 11: Congress struggles to pass coronavirus relief package
Dec. 11: Gov. Chris Sununu extends the state of emergency another 21 days
Dec. 8: Gov. Chris Sununu joins fellow governors in urging new COVID relief package from Congress
Nov. 20: Gov. Chris Sununu extends the state of emergency another 21 days
Nov. 19: Gov. Chris Sununu issues statewide mask mandate
Nov. 12: New Hampshire COVID-19 travel guidance
Oct. 30: Gov. Sununu extends the state of emergency another 21 days
Oct. 9: Gov. Sununu extends the state of emergency another 21 days
Oct. 2: Ski area guidance released
Sept. 30: Gov. Chris Sununu extends the state of emergency until Sunday, Nov. 15, 2020.
Sept. 3: Gov. Sununu announces state is establishing verification program for remote learning
Aug. 28: Gov. Chris Sununu extends state of emergency
Aug. 13: Gov. Chris sununu signs Executive Order #64, Executive Order #65, and Exhibit P to Executive Order #29, which extends the requirement that?school districts?must follow federal and state law special education requirements to ensure equal service to students and allow in-person instruction if needed for the duration of the state of emergency; decrees that violations of any emergency order, rule or regulation issued under the state of emergency could result in a misdemeanor charge; and modifies the education law to allow for distance education and removes requirement that 80% of students participate in a day, for that day to count as a school day, respectively.
July 31: Gov. Sununu’s message regarding S.B. 7
July 10: Gov. Chris Sununu vetoes H.B.1672, relative to absentee voting
June 26: Fifth extension of State of Emergency declared in Executive Order 2020-14
June 17: DCYF: Data moving in right direction
June 10: New Hampshire marks 100 days in the fight against COVID-19
June 5: Gov. Chris Sununu issues Executive Order 2020-10: fourth extension of state of emergency declaration
May 22: Gov. Chris Sununu issues two emergency orders, exhibit I to Emergency Order 29
April 16: Gov. Chris Sununu letter to education leaders
April 10: Secretary of State Gardner, Attorney General MacDonald release COVID-19 absentee voting memorandum
March 20: N.H. DMV transitioning to appointment-only services and offers some extensions on licenses
March 17: Congress begins to address COVID-19 pandemic
March 13: Trump declares a national emergency in response to coronavirus
March 13: Federal government’s response to coronavirus, COVID-19
March 11, 2020: COVID-19 is now officially a pandemic, the World Health Organization says
Webinars & Videos:
Aug. 27: The Break: Workers’ Compensation and COVID-19
Aug. 6: The Break: EPLI and COVID-19
June 4: The Break: New York’s Phase Two of Reopening
May 26: The Break: Safely Returning to Business
May 19: The Break: The Process of Reopening
May 15: The Break: The Liability of Re-Opening
May 13: The Break: Workers’ Compensation and the Coronavirus
May 1: COVID-19 and the Construction Site
April 21: The Break: The New Jersey Grace Period
April 16: The Break: Vacancy Clauses
April 13: The Break: The Connecticut Grace Period
April 7: The Break: Business Interruption
April 7: The Break: New York Moratorium
April 2: The Break: Paycheck Protection Loan
April 1: The Break: Paid Medical and Family Leave
April 1: PIA Northeast Director of Government & Industry Affairs Bradford J. Lachut, Esq., to lead PIA webinar, Coronavirus and Commercial Coverage on Monday, April 13, and Wednesday, May 6, from 10-11 a.m.
March 31: The Break: PIA explains what small businesses need to know about the federal stimulus
March 23: Did you miss the free-to-PIA-members Webinar: Coronavirus: What You Need to Know Right Now? You can access it on-demand now.