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On Demand Webinar replays are NOT approved for CE credit, E&O loss prevention credit, or certification with the NY or NJ Automobile Insurance Plans (NYAIP or NJ PAIP/CAIP.)


Apr. 25, 2023 — Original air date

New York Cybersecurity Compliance and Best Practices

Instructor(s): Bradford J Lachut, Esq

Member rate: $25.00

Nonmember rate: $50.00
Class type: Webinar-On-Demand
Curriculum: WOD

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This one-hour course will serve as an update on New York's cybersecurity regulation (23 NYCRR 500). The first half of the course will provide attendees with an overview of the recent amendments to 23 NYCRR 500 and how they impact covered entities of all sizes. The second half of the course will focus on recent guidance from the Department of Financial Services on ransom ware and multi-factor authentication and how it interreacts with the amendments to the cyber regulation.