PIANJ meets with new FMI President Brian Lytwynec
PIANJ immediate Past President Stephen P. Tague, CPIA, and PIANJ Director Michael DeStasio Jr. joined with PIANJ Business Issues Director Jim Pittz, CIC, CPIA, in Branchville, N.J., to meet with FMI's new President Brian Lytwynec and Vice President of Field Services Gary Capone.

During the meeting, the agents and company representatives discussed FMI's future plans as they relate to today's independent insurance agent. The agents discussed how the company was impacted by the winter storms and its endeavor to gather data predictive to enable growth. One of the issues discussed was underwriting flexibility, with FMI promising to remain willing to accept risks "outside the box" in furtherance of the agent/underwriter relationship.
Stay tuned as PIANJ continues its outreach to Garden State carriers that utilize and appreciate the professional, independent agency distribution channel.