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Human resources


Paid Family Leave—features 
What are the enhanced features of the Paid Family Leave rules?...


Paid Family Leave—self-insured DBL
We have a client that self insures disability and does not have a disability policy that will include family paid leave. How......


Paid Family Leave—mandatory through DBL
Is it mandatory for Paid Family Leave coverage to be administered through the disability carrier, or may an employer self-insure?...


Paid Family Leave—employer deductions
Why would employers take deductions before the Jan. 1, 2018, effective date for New York’s Paid Family Leave regulation?...


Paid Family Leave—additional premium
Can an employer just pay the additional premium and not make the employee contribute under New York’s Paid Family Leave regulation?...


Paid Family Leave—refunds
When must an employer refund the employee contributions to their employees under New York’s Paid Family Leave rules?...


Paid Family Leave—what if benefits are never used?
What happens to the contribution if the employee never uses the Paid Family Leave benefits?...


Paid Family Leave—health insurance contributions
When an employee is out on Paid Family Leave, do they (the employee) still have to contribute to their health insurance premium?...


PFL—maximum employee contribution
What is the maximum employee contribution for 2022 under the New York Paid Family Leave rules?...


Paid Family Leave—who is an employee?
Who is considered an employee under the New York Paid Family Leave regulation?...


Paid Family Leave—part-time employees
Are part-time employees eligible for New York’s Paid Family Leave benefits?...


Paid Family Leave—covered employee
Who is a covered employer under New York’s Paid Family Leave regulation?...


Paid Family Leave—how to apply
How does an employee apply for Paid Family Leave benefits?...


Paid Family Leave—funding
How are Paid Family Leave benefits funded?...


Paid Family Leave—denying requests
Can employers deny an employee’s request for Paid Family Leave?...


Paid Family Leave—claim-filing process/denial timeline
What is the claim-filing process and payment/denial timeline under New York’s Paid Family Leave rules?...


Paid Family Leave—paid time off
Can an employer require the employee to exhaust all paid time off before using their Paid Family Leave benefits?...


Paid Family Leave—employee reinstatement
Do I have to reinstate the employee when they return from their Paid Family Leave?...


Paid Family Leave—waiver
What is a Paid Family Leave waiver and which employees are eligible for one?...


Paid Family Leave—penalties for noncompliance
What are the penalties for noncompliance with New York’s Paid Family Leave rules?...


Paid Family Leave—reasons for leave
For what reasons may an employee take Paid Family Leave?...


Paid Family Leave—proof-of-claim packet
What kind of information is required for the New York Paid Family Leave proof-of-claim packet?...


Paid Family Leave—employee notice to employer
Does an employee have to provide notice to the employer before taking Paid Family Leave?...


Paid Family Leave—multiple employers
Can an employee take Paid Family Leave from multiple employers at the same time?...


Paid Family Leave—uninsured employer
What happens to a New York Paid Family Leave claim if the employer is uninsured?...


Paid Family Leave—substitute paid time off
Can an employee substitute paid time off for Paid Family Leave?...


Paid Family Leave—employees living outside New York
Are employees eligible for New York’s Paid Family Leave benefits if they live outside New York state?...


Paid Family Leave—concurrent PFL, DBL and FMLA
Can an employee take Paid Family Leave, Disability Leave and Family Medical Leave Act at the same time?...


Paid Family Leave—taxes for payouts
Are Paid Family Leave benefits pre- or post-tax?...


Paid Family Leave—taxes for collection
Are employee contributions collected from the employee’s pre- or post-tax income?...


Paid family leave—domestic workers
Are domestic workers qualified for paid family leave benefits under the same criteria as other employment categories?...


Paid Family Leave—coverage for employer
I own my own business in New York and obviously have Paid Family Leave for my employees. Can I, as the employer, be included in this program......


Paid Family Leave—self-employed
I am self-employed and do not have any employees. Do I have to comply with the Paid Family Leave law?...


Paid Family Leave—disability insurance
I am self-employed and I do not have any employees. I was told by my disability insurance carrier that I am required to have Paid Family Leave for......


Paid Family Leave—additional time off benefits
Can an employee take Paid Family Leave and another “time off” benefit, such as short-term disability, at the same time?...


Sexual Harrassment Prevention Law—noncompliance
What is the penalty for noncompliance with New York’s Sexual Harassment Prevention Law?...


DOL overtime regulation: commission
We have a customer service representative who works 40 hours and makes $40,000 in salary. In addition, she earns commissions of $10,000 in the......


Customer harassment of employee
Am I liable if a customer harasses one of my employees?...