The political wing of PIANJ strengthens your association’s credibility as a serious political force in New Jersey state elections.
Donor Profile
Michael Beckerman, CPCU
Q. What is your insurance origin story?
My dad started Beckerman & Company after leaving another agency he co-founded when I was 6 years old. After getting some experience at another agency following college, I joined him in 2006. We were later acquired by Acrisure.
Q. What first sparked your interest in supporting the Agents Advocacy Coalition and its causes?
Our agency has always been supportive of PIA. My dad served as president from 2004-05, so contributing to New Jersey PIAPAC is a natural extension of that support. It’s a great way to make sure agents have a voice in Trenton and that PIA’s initiatives are heard.
Q. In your opinion, what are the most important issues or policies the NJPIAPAC is helping to support?
I hope we can finally get the legislation to prohibit step-down provisions in most cases across the finish line. It’s been a long time coming.
Q. If you could give one piece of advice to potential new donors considering supporting the NJPIAPAC, what would it be?
While the average donation to New Jersey PIAPAC is $347, we encourage everyone to donate whatever they can. Our goal is not only to increase the overall amount we raise, but to increase the number of donors.
Q. Lastly, can you give readers one book, movie, or show recommendation?
Shogun on Hulu is my go-to.
Have questions or would like more information about NJPIAPAC,
give us a call at (800) 424-4244 or email us at:
Giving Levels and Rewards
Club membership
Receives …
a thank-you letter, email signature, donor certificate, listing in the yearly “thank you” magazine ad, and a NJPIAPAC lapel pin.
all NJPIAPAC Club rewards
+ an invitation to our annual PAC event at conference.*
*For every $250 above Capitol you give, you receive another ticket
to the conference event, e.g., if you give $500, you receive two tickets,
$750, three tickets, etc.
all Capitol Club rewards
+ a NJPIAPAC coffee mug.
all Sapphire Club rewards
+ a handwritten thank-you note from PIANJ president.
all Emerald Club rewards
+ a NJPIAPAC hat.
all Diamond Club rewards
+ invites to video conferences with political updates from
our PIA Northeast staff and PIANJ lobbyists.
all Gold Club rewards
+ a call from the PIANJ president thanking you for your donation
and asking if you have any input on the association’s legislative