As an AdvantagePlus company member you receive all the competitive benefits of traditional PIA membership and these products and services … a value of more than $500. Call PIA toll-free (800) 424-4244.

Two free PIA CE webinar registrations are available for you or your staff. CE is available for one person per computer, but you can have multiple people participate in each webinar—and you’ll get a download of each program you register for, so you can provide to your entire staff.
Advantage value:
$50+ per year
Marketing and advertising discounts
AdvantagePlus company members receive a 10 percent discount on advertising in PIANJ's monthly magazine, a 10 percent discount on a trade show booth at the PIANJ/PIANY Joint Annual Conference and a $100 gift certificate toward any marketing piece created by PIA's talented Creative Services team.
Advantage value:
More than $100
Additional membership and communication option
A free additional membership for your satellite or primary office comes with AdvantagePlus Company Membership. To keep your staff up-to-date on industry and association issues, simply let us know who you'd like to receive this valuable benefit.
Advantage value:
Networking opportunities
AdvantagePlus company members are invited to PIA networking events, offering you the opportunity to meet informally with insurance company and agency leaders.
Advantage value:
Women's Business Forum
PIANJ's popular Women's Business Forum programs are designed to help key agency personnel build their professional network and discuss issues of mutual concern.
Nationally recognized speakers and hands-on roundtable programs are held several times a year. Advantage members receive one free forum registration per year.
Advantage value:
$50 per year