Employees of PIA member agencies may log on below:
Products and Services
Save money from day one, with member‑savings on essential products and services, coverage for your agency through PIA and more.
Agents' errors and omissions coverage—Quality errors and omissions insurance coverage for insurance agents and brokers—an immediate, no obligation quote.
Commercial umbrella—Extend your business liability coverage, or add an employment practices liability endorsement to your E&O policy.
Data breach/cyberliability—Coverage to protect against the ever-increasing liability confronting agencies as they handle their clients' information.
PIA 401(k) Plan—Attract better employees and retain them longer by offering the security of a great 401(k) plan. With PIA and TAG Resources you can offer your employees an amazing benefit without taking on the day-to-day responsibilities.
Markets for your clients
MarketBase™—Market leads for your hard-to-place risks—nearly 2,100 special risk categories from nearly 100 firms.
NumberONE Comp Program—Specialty lines and monoline workers' comp. markets with hundreds of class codes, manual rates and competitive commissions.
Promote your business
Advertise in PIA magazine—A way to market to a qualified audience of insurance professionals, at pennies per contact. Download a media kit (PDF).
Digital Marketing Tools—A collection of digital marketing elements your agency can use to gain attention, engagement, and impact on social media and digital marketing channels.
BusinessLink™—A program helping companies, managing general agencies, general agencies and agencies looking for appointments to find each other.
Company Membership Program—A unique opportunity to market to New Hampshire agents, with three increasing levels of benefits and visibility.
Design + Print—PIA’s in-house advertising agency, writes, designs and produces original and on-target promotion, with industry expertise.
Member discounts
A.M. Best publications—PIA member discounts on Best’s Key Rating Guide, Best’s Pocket Key Rating Guide and more from A.M. Best.