Celebrate the special 40th anniversary of the PIANJ Golf Classic to benefit Special Olympics New Jersey
The PIANJ Golf Classic provides support for Special Olympics New Jersey programs that serve thousands of New Jersey children and adults with intellectual disabilities.
PIANJ with its annual Golf Classic—in conjunction with New Jersey Young Insurance Professionals and its annual 5K Fun Run—has raised over $4 million for SONJ to date.
Come golf in the 18-hole scramble tournament with your colleagues to benefit a great cause! Support SONJ during this special anniversary and meet with a Special Olympic Athlete; participant in our unique cannon launcher contest; donate for a chance to win raffle prizes and more!
Presenting Sponsor:
Par Sponsor: Chubb
Reception Sponsor: Franklin Mutual Insurance
Online registration is closed.
Contests and raffles:
Raffles available for purchase on-site:
Package 1: $20—1 raffle sheet
Package 2: $30—1 raffle sheet, 1 mulligan
Package 3: $60—2 raffle sheets, 2 mulligans
Package 4: $100—5 raffle sheets, 3 mulligans
Cannonball launcher contest for $20
50/50 tickets available at refreshment stand and reception.
Silent auction sign-up at reception.
Not a golfer?
Join the PIANJ Women’s Leadership Alliance for a special tour of the TPC Jasna Polana to support Special Olympics New Jersey.
Questions? Contact us at jkrynski@pia.org or (800) 424-4244.