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ACORD formsAgency managementAgency perpetuationAgency sales and acquisitionsAgency terminationAgency valuationArtificial intelligenceAssociation informationAutoAutomation/technology issuesCancellation/nonrenewal issuesCertificates of insuranceCircular lettersClimate changeCoastal issuesCommercial autoCommercial liabilityCommercial propertyCommission and disclosureCompany appointmentsCompany insolvency/rehabilitationConsumer contentConsumer materialsContracts and agreementsCoronavirus (COVID-19)Coverage checklistsCoverage issuesCredit reportsCustomer serviceCybersecurityEducationEmployee staffingEmployee trainingEmployee/employer compensationErrors and omissionsExcess and surplus linesFeesFlex-ratingFloodFraudFree trade zoneHomeowners/dwellingHuman resource issuesI.D. cardsIdentity theftIndependent agent marketingIndustry-related issuesInland marineLead informationLegislative/regulatory issuesLicensingLife/healthMarketsMold issuesMoney managementMotor vehicle reportsNotary publicPersonal autoPersonal umbrellaPremium financePrivacy issuesRecord retentionRegional informationReinsuranceRental car coverageRide hailingRisk managementRisk retention groupsSales managementTaxesTerrorism issuesTrailer coveragesWindstorm catastropheWorkers’ compensation
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ACORD forms
QS31392 - ACORD 855: New York Construction Certificate of Liability Insurance Addendum
- This resource kit offers you information on the ACORD form, its instructions, information on PIA’s involvement with the form’s development. 1 page
QS90678 - ACORD certificates frequently asked questions (09/25/24)
- A comprehensive review of ACORD’s certificates of insurance forms, along with answers to commonly asked questions. 4 pages
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Agency management
QS91079 - A new face for your agency—PIA can help your agency be memorable
- This resource kit offers information on how to create brand recognition and ways PIA can help you. 4 pages
QS90126 - Agency diversification—working with financial planners
- Overviews the benefits of financial planners and what to look for in choosing one. 2 pages
QS31238 - Agents have options: Progressive’s bad-check bulletin sparks discussion
- Offers suggestions to help avoid exposure for agents/brokers accepting premium payments. 4 pages
QS91030 - Best practices: terminating remote employees
- Offers information regarding remote workers and their return to the office. 3 pages
QS91074 - Boost your agency’s defense with disclaimers
- This resource kit discusses the importance of using disclaimers and offers samples of different kinds that can be used to protect the agency from potential E&O claims. 2 pages
QS90395 - Choosing between an S corporation and an LLC
- A comprehensive review of the difference between these two types of corporations to assist you in making this important choice. 3 pages
QS91002 - COVID-19 preparedness checklist
- A comprehensive checklist for an agency to record their preventative measures associated with the COVID-19 virus. 2 pages
QS90768 - Distinguishing yourself from the competition—be a consultant, not a commodity
- Offers strategies that could help you set your agency apart from the competition. 3 pages
QS90618 - Effectively wearing the three hats—how agency owners can thrive as CEO, sales manager, and producer (09/19/24)
- This resource kit outlines how agency owners can thrive as a CEO, sales manager, and producer by spending 80% of their time on jobs that are going to bring the most return to the agency. 3 pages
QS31254 - Electronic delivery of insurance policies and documents via the internet
- An in-depth discussion of electronic transfer of policies, including the relevant laws, regulations and sample consent form. 4 pages
QS90223 - Get your staff working together—plan and hold productive meetings
- Meeting planning tips offered on who needs to be involved, when a meeting is truly needed, importance of an agenda, and how to increase staff participation. 2 pages
QS91055 - Hiring: looking forward can mean looking back
- A discussion about the benefits of hiring mid-career professionals who could be looking for a career change. 2 pages
QS90922 - How to break up with a client in around 300 words
- A discussion of terminating a relationship with a client, including a sample letter. 2 pages
QS90766 - Importance of New Year’s resolutions for agency owners
- Discusses three key items your agency should consider for starting off the new year on the right foot. 2 pages
QS90912 - Insurance agency moving checklist—planning before, during, and after (10/09/24)
- This resource kit offers a handy guide along with helpful checklists to help make your agency’s move a smooth process. 6 pages
QS90760 - Interns: to pay or not to pay
- This resource kit discusses the facts and circumstances surrounding internships and will assist you in determining whether an intern is a paid employee. 3 pages
QS90435 - Keep control of your agency
- Helpful tips to keep agency principals in control of the issues that arise in everyday agency life. 2 pages
QS90790 - Opposing forces—five tips for managing your sales and service teams
- Sales and service employees are different from one another. This resource kit gives you knowledge to know the difference between the two and offers tips on getting them to work together as a team. 2 pages
QS90726 - Planning for the incapacity of a key employee
- This resource kit discusses how to plan for the sudden incapacity or death of a key employee. 2 pages
QS90657 - Putting a priority on your time
- This resource document gives you helpful tips on how to prioritize and manage your time effectively. 2 pages
QS91021 - Stronger together—Reinforce the agent, carrier, client bond
- A discussion on the five elements that could help grow your relationship with insurance carriers. 3 pages
QS90778 - The ‘other’ BI
- Offers opportunities for agency owners to mine the data they have within their agencies to plan for the future based on where they have been in the past. 2 pages
QS90604 - The big questions for agency owners (09/12/24)
- Answering and acting on these important questions can help you enhance your agency’s overall performance. 4 pages
QS90405 - The seven information management questions every organization should ask
- Disorganization creates inefficiency. To help increase agency efficiency, this resource kit covers the four essential questions regarding agency business information. 3 pages
QS91080 - Transitioning from an entrepreneurship to a professionally managed firm—Part 2 (09/06/24)
- Part 2 in a series of four will identify and help agents better understand six critical organizational development tasks discussed in this issue. 2 pages
QS91081 - Transitioning from an entrepreneurship to a professionally managed firm—Part 3 (09/03/24)
- Part 3 in a series of four identifies and helps agents better understand four major states and typical characteristics of those states that an organization must pass through on its way to greatness. 2 pages
QS91082 - Transitioning from an entrepreneurship to a professionally managed firm—Part 4 (09/18/24)
- Part 4 in this series discusses the tactical transitions that a business must successfully execute. 2 pages
QS90548 - Transitioning from an entrepreneurship to a professionally managed firm: Part 1 (09/03/24)
- A four-part series that discusses the journey from a small business into a larger organization. 9 pages
QS90758 - Underwriting: a collaboration toward profitability
- An in-depth review of how front-line underwriting can increase agency profits. 2 pages
QS90953 - Update your disaster plan
- This resource kit offers three drills you can put into place to ensure your disaster plan is up-to-date. 2 pages
QS90159 - What can you do when a client files bankruptcy?
- An in-depth look at the steps an agency can take in a client bankruptcy situation along with a glossary of commonly used terms. 3 pages
QS90218 - When the insured fires the producer
- Outlines the proper use of the ACORD 35 and 36 forms when a producer and insured dissolve their business relationship. 3 pages
QS90185 - Your site planning—your office set-up is more important than it seems
- This document walks you through the importance of office layout in customer service and common areas that should be considered in how your agency is set up. 4 pages
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Agency perpetuation
QS90590 - 10 rules for family businesses (10/01/24)
- Ten fool-proof rules to follow for a well-run family business. 2 pages
QS90817 - A smart perpetuation plan
- This resource kit discusses different options you can use when developing your agency’s perpetuation plan. 4 pages
QS91017 - Agency perpetuation: the inevitable endgame
- This resource kit discusses the importance of having a perpetuation plan in place in advance to ensure your wishes are met for your agency. 3 pages
QS90887 - Bring youth into your agency
- This resource kit discusses how to bring young employees into the agency setting and ensure their success. 1 page
QS90913 - Embracing the future: are you prepared for the next generation of clients and employees?
- This resource kit offers strategies for identifying future clients and making changes in marketing and hiring to stay relevant in the future insurance marketplace. 2 pages
QS90754 - Everything’s relative—do your children have the right stuff?
- This resource kit discusses things to be considered when deciding whether to perpetuate your agency to children or relatives. 4 pages
QS90976 - Funding a deal—it’s important to make sure financing is in place before approaching a potential acquisition target
- A discussion on why it is important to take time to consider your funding strategy up front when embarking on a strategic acquisition program. 2 pages
QS90934 - Get your ducks in a row—10 mistakes owners make when selling an agency
- Selling your agency is a big decision. This document lists the most common things agents don’t do but should do to be prepared. 2 pages
QS90838 - Is your agency at risk? Vulnerability, operating profitability, and perpetuation are the great concerns (09/03/24)
- This resource kit discusses areas of concern for agents when it comes to agency vulnerability, operating profitability, and perpetuation. 2 pages
QS90884 - Make sure it’s a good plan—prepare your agency for a successful transition
- This resource kit discusses the importance of sound business planning for the near-term and the long-term. 3 pages
QS90845 - Plan on it! Develop your exit strategy sooner rather than later (10/03/24)
- Key tips on how to plan well in advance of your anticipated agency exit to ensure your personal and business goals have been met. 2 pages
QS90550 - Ten steps to an internal perpetuation game plan
- Provides helpful steps to consider when determining if an internal agency perpetuation plan is right for your agency. 4 pages
QS90908 - The millennial falcon
- This resource kit discusses pitfalls to avoid while trying to attract young and diverse individuals into the insurance industry. 2 pages
QS90780 - Transition planning: don’t ‘wait and see’—the future is closer than you think
- This resource kit discusses the importance of developing a timeframe and plan for perpetuation to ensure the greatest return when you turn over ownership. 3 pages
QS90539 - Who will take ownership
- A discussion on why agencies should have a perpetuation plan including some important steps to consider when creating such a plan. 2 pages
QS90783 - Your agency’s strategic business plan—‘by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail’
- This document discusses the importance of having a strategic business plan for your agency and key topics to be included when developing your agency’s plan. 4 pages
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Agency sales and acquisitions
QS90037 - Agency acquisitions—things you should consider
- Outlines questions you should ask yourself if you are looking to acquire another agency. 2 pages
QS90837 - Agency ownership is a realistic dream with an array of financing options (09/24/24)
- This resource kit offers tips to help you in your decision to become an agency owner. 2 pages
QS90093 - Buy-sell agreements make everyone a winner
- Offers common items that should definitely be included in the development of a buy/sell agreement. 3 pages
QS90166 - Can you afford to acquire an agency?
- Addresses questions a potential agency buyer would want to answer to be sure they are financially able to make the purchase. 2 pages
QS90794 - Common mistakes agency sellers should avoid even in a sellers’ market (09/10/24)
- Discusses the most common mistakes when selling an agency and what buyers are seeking to provide the greatest interest and highest prices in a seller’s market. 3 pages
QS90228 - More to a merger than an agreement—consider corporate culture
- Addresses cultural shock issues that may affect employees and the agency in general when two agencies make the decision to merge. 4 pages
QS90923 - Three effective strategies to fuel growth during these turbulent market conditions
- This resource kit offers strategies for agencies to increase growth during difficult market conditions. 3 pages
QS90099 - Tips for opening your own agency—where to begin
- Offers insight into items you should consider when opening an insurance agency and helpful resources to get you on the right path. 3 pages
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Agency termination
QS31052 - New York agency termination—know your rights
- A comprehensive kit on the laws and regulations regarding agency terminations and items of importance to agencies to ensure its utmost protection including notice requirements and applicable run-off periods. 30 pages
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Agency valuation
QS90755 - Critical factors affecting agency value
- This resource kit reviews the 10 most important factors that affect agency value, according to a survey of over 200 insurance agency principals. 6 pages
QS90067 - Determining agency value—part 1
- First in a series giving you a more in-depth overview of asset-based, market-based, and income-based approaches to valuation. 3 pages
QS90068 - Determining agency value—part 2
- Second in a series giving you a more in-depth overview of asset-based, market-based, and income-based approaches to valuation. 3 pages
QS90069 - Determining agency value—part 3
- Third in a series offering you a review of the basic steps used to value an agency using the income approach and, more specifically, the direct capitalization of earnings method. 2 pages
QS90070 - Determining agency value—part 4
- Fourth in a series covering agency valuation and determining the cost of capital. 3 pages
QS90071 - Determining agency value—part 5
- Fifth in a series that applies the direct capitalization method to a hypothetical agency for easy understanding. 6 pages
QS90072 - Determining agency value—part 6
- Last in a series discussing the determination of tangible net-worth value and the final conclusion of fair market value. 5 pages
QS90039 - How NOT to value an agency
- A discussion of the percentage-times-revenue valuation approach and how many times it is not the appropriate way to value an agency. 3 pages
QS90735 - How to determine the value of your agency—agency worth can be calculated through different models
- This resource kit discusses different types of values that can play a role when determining your agency’s value. 3 pages
QS91020 - Uncover your agency’s value proposition
- A discussion on what a value proposition is and how to develop one for your agency. 3 pages
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Artificial intelligence
QS91109 - AI: Claims process automation—what agents need to know
- A discussion on how AI technologies are impacting the insurance industry the claim process. 3 pages
QS31446 - New York State Department of Financial Services Circular Letter No. 7 (2024)—Use of artificial intelligence systems and external consumer data and information sources in insurance underwriting and pricing
- Guidance from the DFS on insurers’ use of artifiicial intelligence and external consumer data. 14 pages
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Association information
QS90918 - 2023 National Underwriter/Professional Insurance Agents Independent Agent Survey
- The National Underwriter teams with Professional Insurance Agents for a research project by ALM Intelligence revealing what agents feel about technology and the challenges it poses. 7 pages
QS90384 - Add PIA to your address book
- Tips you can use to get the information you need from PIA. 2 pages
QS90113 - Antitrust: what PIA can and can’t do
- PIA’s legal staff provides insight into the antitrust laws, and a discussion of what PIA can and can’t do in certain situations. 3 pages
QS90999 - Delivering value to our members—products and services of PIA Northeast
- A comprehensive pamphlet outlining PIA’s vision, mission and values of this industry-leading association. 12 pages
QS90054 - PIA’s Circle of Consultants
- A brochure that overviews PIA’s Circle of Consultants program and how you can access a consultant for your particular agency needs. 2 pages
QS90449 - PIA’s Industry Resource Center
- A brochure outlining the valuable services available through PIA’s member-exclusive Industry Resource Center. 2 pages
QS90171 - Professional Insurance Agent camera-ready logos
- PIA logos available to members when creating print or web-based publications. 1 page
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QS90081 - A guide for new and used vehicle buyers: shopping for safety
- Overviews the common safety items to consider when looking to purchase a vehicle. 5 pages
QS31396 - How do New York’s new automobile photo inspection regulations affect me?
- An in-depth overview of the changes to New York Regulation 79 regarding automobile photo inspections. 4 pages
QS90046 - Insurance losses by make and model and top 10 most stolen vehicles by state and make
- Information on several different vehicles with their recent injury, collision, and theft losses along with the most common vehicles stolen. 19 pages
QS90087 - Is a drive-other-car exposure lurking in your files?
- Discusses coverage needs of a business auto policyholder requiring protection for personal exposure of principals or employees; and then that of personal auto insureds with a business exposure. 3 pages
QS31181 - Mobile equipment vs. auto
- Contains information that assists in determining whether a piece of equipment is more appropriately covered under the commercial auto or commercial general liability policy. 4 pages
QS31344 - New York’s new driver program—learner permits and junior licenses
- A comprehensive explanation of New York’s junior license program, including applicable requirements, driving restrictions and who is affected by these rules. 7 pages
QS31342 - Prompt payment of auto insurance premiums
- A consumer-oriented flier and sample letter-to-the-editor encouraging timely payment of auto insurance premiums to avoid possible suspension. 3 pages
QS90279 - Stated amount coverage (09/03/24)
- An in-depth discussion of stated-amount coverage and agreed-amount coverage and how they impact personal and commercial auto policies. 3 pages
QS31155 - Title branding
- An explanation of New York Department of Financial Services and New York Department of Motor Vehicles rules on information required on vehicle titles when they have sustained major damage. 13 pages
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Automation/technology issues
QS90545 - An agency guide to premium-comparison systems—third edition (09/23/24)
- A comprehensive resource that helps producers understand key workflow and technology issues surrounding multiple-company comparative rating for those who are looking to boost agency profitability and customer service. 93 pages
QS90831 - Automate social-media marketing
- This resource kit outlines automating social-media marketing and provides some tips for getting started. 3 pages
QS91014 - BeyoncADA
- This resource kits discusses the importance of making your website ADA compliant. 3 pages
QS90764 - Cloud-computing vendors
- A listing of vendors that offer cloud-computing services. 2 pages
QS90178 - Copyrights, disclosures, and disclaimers
- Provides sample verbiage for disclosures and disclaimers that may be included on an insurance producer’s website. 2 pages
QS90649 - Developing social-media policies for your agency
- Helps create a strategy and agency policies for bringing social media into your agency. 4 pages
QS90541 - Do you have a procedure for handling emails from your clients?
- Discusses the need to have a plan in place that your staff can follow for handling incoming/outgoing emails. 2 pages
QS90940 - Do you need an upgrade?
- This resource kit talks about the importance of installing software updates when you receive them. These updates help prevent your computer from being vulnerable to attacks from outside sources and ensures the system is running to the best of its ability. 1 page
QS31174 - Electronic signatures and records in New York state (09/23/24)
- Provides the actual text of New York state’s Electronic Signatures and Records Act, Part 540. 6 pages
QS91101 - Embracing AI in insurance: A tool, not a threat
- A discussion about using AI in the insurance office along with the human element to enhance the efficiency and quality of services offered. 2 pages
QS90870 - Embracing technology with the instant satisfaction generation
- This resource kit discusses how investing in technology can increase an agency’s efficiency level. 2 pages
QS91107 - Everyone is texting for everything—meet your clients’ communications expectations
- An discussion on the demand for texting and how using it can be a vital tool for communicating with your clients. 3 pages
QS90857 - I have issues ...
- This resource kit is a discussion on the topic of online purchasing and binding of insurance policies. 2 pages
QS90936 - Insurance in the age of technology and AI
- This resource kit discusses how advanced artificial intelligence is becoming more prominent in the insurance world. 2 pages
QS90945 - Is your agency’s website accessible to the blind?
- Courts consider websites to be “places of public accommodation,” which makes them accountable to the ADA. Is your website accessible? 2 pages
QS90955 - It’s time for a button … the Buy Button
- This resource kit offers information on PIA’s Buy Button initiative. 1 page
QS90336 - Just image-n (09/06/24)
- Discusses how document imaging can be used to its fullest potential in easing agency workloads, improving client service, and assisting with marketing efforts. 3 pages
QS90823 - Maximizing mobile: from good idea to must do
- This resource kit discusses the benefits of having a mobile app available for your clients. 2 pages
QS90579 - Multi-company (comparative) rating: an optimal workflow
- This report focuses on a workflow designed to incorporate third-party reports into the rating process and recommendations for the next steps to take. 12 pages
QS90496 - Productive agency visits by insurance carrier field representatives
- An ACORD-User Group Information Exchange guide to assist agency principals, agency staff, and insurers to work together toward common goals, increasing efficiency, and technology workflows. 13 pages
QS90980 - Social-media advertising ’Bachelor’ style
- A sampling of the advertising rules agencies should be aware of when creating social-media marketing. 2 pages
QS90798 - Technology use in your agency
- Addresses the use of agency technology by customer service representatives. 2 pages
QS90723 - Use technology to help run your business more efficiently
- A review of technology-related tools, such as Zillow, that assist in agency workflow efficiency. 4 pages
QS91053 - Who’s liable for a website’s content?
- A discussion on website liability, who is responsible for the website’s content. 2 pages
QS90893 - Your agency needs a little push—take advantage of marketing micro-moments with the power of push notifications
- This resource kit talks about using push notifications for marketing and how they are among the fastest ways to get a message in front of your audience. 2 pages
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Cancellation/nonrenewal issues
QS90290 - Cancellation notice change in procedures—sample letter
- A sample client letter for when an agency decides they no longer want to send or call policyholders reminding them of policy cancellations, when it has previously been a practice of the agency to do so. 1 page
QS31205 - Commercial-lines policyholder protections
- An in-depth review of the laws and regulations concerning commercial lines cancellations, nonrenewals, conditional renewals and other policyholder protections. 34 pages
QS31440 - Market withdrawal in New York
- A review of the insurance rules relating to carrier withdrawals. 3 pages
QS31362 - New York personal-lines policyholder protections
- An in-depth kit giving you the information you need to ensure proper compliance with the rules of New York State Insurance Law Section 3425 and other applicable regulations. 40 pages
QS31445 - Sample market withdrawal letter
- A sample letter agents can send to their clients about an upcoming company withdrawal, which explains to the clients what they can expect. 1 page
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Certificates of insurance
QS90885 - A look at certificates of insurance
- This resource kit provides an overview of some recent court decisions regarding the issuance of certificates of insurance. 2 pages
QS31041 - Certificates of insurance—for information only
- An in-depth review of certificates of insurance, including E&O concerns, legal ramifications, standards, cancellation notices, Insurance Department rulings and commonly asked questions and answers. 7 pages
QS91050 - Certificates of insurance-an agent’s legal actions and recourse
- This resource kit explores various laws for states in the Northeast pertaining to what can and cannot be included on certificates of insurance. 2 pages
QS91058 - COI and failure to place or renew coverage
- Offers suggestions on how to avoid E&O claims related to certificates of insurance and the failure to place or renew coverage. 2 pages
QS90763 - More on additional insureds (10/02/24)
- This resource kit discusses items included on certificates of insurance and touches on a few issues that are commonly misunderstood by certificate holders. 3 pages
QS31395 - New York state certificate of insurance law—Article 5
- Copy of the certificates of insurance statute. 3 pages
QS31412 - NYDFS approves PIANY-recommended language for naming additional insureds on certificates of insurance
- This resource kit offers information on additional insureds on certificates of insurance and sample language for use when dealing with additional insureds. 1 page
QS31394 - Please be advised: New York Law forbids certain certificates of insurance requests (09/30/24)
- A comprehensive question-and-answer piece for agents and brokers regarding Chapter 552 of the Laws of 2014 regarding the proper use of certificates of insurance. 2 pages
QS90348 - Requests for ‘primary and noncontributory’ language on certificates (10/03/24)
- An in-depth discussion of requests to add general contractors as additional insureds and an explanation of what certificates were meant and not meant to do. 2 pages
QS31368 - Sample New York City Department of Transportation acknowledgment letter
- A sample for agents to use in handling certificates of insurance relating to the New York City Department of Transportation. 1 page
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Circular letters
QS31255 - New York State Circular Letter 9 (2009)—permissible services of insurance agents and brokers; rebating and inducements
- A circular letter from the New York State Department of Financial Services providing guidance and clarification on the Insurance Law regarding rebating. 2 pages
QS31093 - New York State Department of Financial Services Circular Letter No. 34 (1999) Tax district claims against fire insurance proceeds
- Index of tax districts that have filed notice of intention to claim against fire insurance proceeds. 6 pages
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Climate change
QS91103 - Background on: climate change and insurance issues
- A comprehensive review by the Insurance Information Institute on climate change and how it impacts consumer’s insurance coverages. 10 pages
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Coastal issues
QS31076 - New York’s Coastal Market Assistance Program application and instructions for completing
- A packet of instructions and necessary applications to submit a risk to the Coastal Market Assistance Program, including eligibility requirements. 11 pages
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Commercial auto
QS29261 - Bulletin No. 24-07: New minimum limits of liability insurance commercial motor vehicle and/or autocabs, P.L. 2023, c. 276
- A bulletin from the Department of Banking and Insurance outlining the changes with commercial auto liability minimum limits. 3 pages
QS90130 - Commercial Auto Accessorizing—1998 ISO Filing
- Explanation of commercial auto endorsements dealing with worldwide coverage for rental cars, limited Mexico coverage, and employee-hired autos. 4 pages
QS90134 - Insuring the corporate car (09/30/24)
- Outlines several different exposures involved in insuring corporate vehicles and how best to cover each situation. 4 pages
QS91033 - ISO introduces 2020 Commercial Auto Program
- An overview of ISO’s 19 new endorsements for it’s 2020 Commercial Auto Program. 3 pages
QS29262 - Sample letter: commercial auto minimum limit increase
- A sample letter insurance producers can send their clients outlining the new changes with the commercial auto limits.1 page
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Commercial liability
QS90045 - 1995 ISO CGL—defense costs of an indemnitee
- Overview of ISO’s 1995 CGL filing that establishes an unequivocal contractual provision for payment of defense costs of an indemnitee, while designating such expenses for an active defense as “supplementary payments,” under appropriate jurisdictions. 3 pages
QS90414 - Advantages and disadvantages of additional insured status
- Addresses issues that arise when requesting an additional insured be added to a commercial general liability policy. 3 pages
QS90996 - Business interruption coverage basics
- An overview of business interruption coverage and the importance of proper coverage limits to avoid E&O exposures. 2 pages
QS90244 - Claims-made vs. occurrence trigger (09/10/24)
- A comprehensive discussion of claims-made and occurrence policies, including an explanation of retro dates. 4 pages
QS90031 - Complex exposures created by leases
- An extensive review of contractual lease coverage afforded in commercial general liability policies including a sample waiver of subrogation. 5 pages
QS91049 - Contractors: five key CGL coverage traps
- This document discusses how to find these traps and make sure that your contractor client has the coverage he or she needs. 3 pages
QS90141 - Discontinued products and completed operations coverage
- Overview of the importance of discontinued products and completed operations coverage and how it impacted one insurance agent personally. 3 pages
QS31381 - General liability policy required; operations coverage not included (09/03/24)
- A review of the 2006 Business Auto Coverage and 2004 Commercial General Liability forms as they relate to mobile equipment and the operation of equipment attached to mobile equipment. 1 page
QS90995 - I made it for someone else, but I own the liability
- An in-depth discussion on product liability. 3 pages
QS90617 - If you build it, design responsibility may come—to haunt
- A review of the Harbor v. Omni case and what exposures a contractor may have and how to properly handle those under commercial general liability forms. 3 pages
QS90499 - Incestuous suits
- A discussion on the cross liability situations that may arise on a commercial general liability policy. 3 pages
QS90777 - ISO 2001 CGL forms offer a mixed bag
- This resource kit discusses the different forms that have been added to the ISO Commercial General Liability Program. 4 pages
QS90430 - ISO 2004 CGL—mobile equipment redefined
- Outlines the numerous revisions made by Insurance Services Office Inc. in the 2004 Commercial General Liability multistate forms and endorsements filing; provides a brief synopsis of the more substantive changes; and includes an at-a-glance chart. 4 pages
QS90708 - ISO 2013 GL Program changes are likely to please some producers
- This resource kit discusses some of the ISO General Liability program changes that took effect April 1, 2013. 3 pages
QS90133 - ISO CGL 1998
- A discussion of ISO’s 1998 CGL filing highlighting tenants legal liability; personal and advertising injury; and the pollution exclusion. 4 pages
QS90819 - ISO responds to commercial drone use (10/03/24)
- Overview of ISO’s commercial drone filing. 2 pages
QS90994 - ISO’s 2019 general liability multistate endorsements
- This document offers an overview of the ISO General Liability multistate endorsements and revised endorsements becoming effective Dec. 1, 2019. 5 pages
QS90796 - Please don’t slam the door shut
- This resource kit discusses the functions of claims-made and reported policies. 2 pages
QS90148 - The Montrose filing
- In response to legal developments, such as the Montrose case in California, ISO revised its commercial policies in 1999 to preclude claims for known losses. 4 pages
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Commercial property
QS90044 - 1995 ISO commercial property program
- Includes major elements of ISO’s 1995 commercial property program including vacancy provisions, business interruption, builders’ risk, collapse, ordinance and law, as well as other miscellaneous enhancements. 3 pages
QS90611 - 2010 ISO BOP pushes the envelope
- This resource kit outlines the 2010 edition of the ISO Businessowners Policy program and the new endorsements included in the program. 5 pages
QS90786 - BIC for the lessee (09/10/24)
- This resource kit discusses coverages and exclusions when applying business income coverage on a commercial building. 2 pages
QS90098 - Dependent property coverage—because, because, because
- A discussion of business interruption forms and endorsements indemnifying for the consequential or indirect loss associated with physical damage to the insured’s property. 4 pages
QS90196 - ISO Commercial Property program undergoes year 2000 revisions
- Outlines major changes in the ISO 2000 Commercial Property program including flood coverage, increased cost of construction, vacancy, property in transit, business-income coverage, and much more. 6 pages
QS91072 - List of property building cost estimators
- A listing of firms that offer building cost estimating products. 1 page
QS91029 - Micropolicy for a microbusiness
- This resource kit offers information on ISO’s new Micro-Businessowner Program. 3 pages
QS90089 - Spoiled goods coverage
- A “how to” to ensure that your commercial clients (deli, baker, florist, etc.) receive the necessary coverage for goods spoilage. 4 pages
QS90704 - The ISO 2012 Commercial Property forms revisions
- Reviews the changes effective in 2013 with ISO’s 2011 Commercial Property program. 3 pages
QS90769 - Understanding tenants’ improvements coverage—again (09/27/24)
- This resource document will help bring clarity to the topic of tenants improvements and betterments coverage in the ISO Building and Personal Property Coverage Form (CP 00 10). 3 pages
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Commission and disclosure
QS91095 - Agents’ primer: Premium trust accounts and commissions
- This resource kit outlines of some of the most important things to keep in mind when complying with all legal responsibilities of the profession in connection with premium trust accounts and commissions. 2 pages
QS90742 - Hard markets and commission cuts: what can producers do?
- This resource kit discusses what to look for in agency contracts and other avenues producers can use when faced with hard markets and commission cuts. 3 pages
QS31267 - How to make the initial disclosure required by Regulation 194—"Producer Compensation Transparency"
- A comprehensive review of New York State Insurance Department Regulation 194 primary disclosure requirements. 8 pages
QS31266 - How to make the secondary disclosure ("disclosure upon request") required by Regulation 194—"Producer Compensation Transparency"
- A comprehensive review of New York Regulation 194 secondary disclosure requirements with applicable approved forms. 17 pages
QS91099 - Insurance carrier do’s and don’ts: commission cuts
- Reviewing agency agreements before signing helps to ensure your agency’s knows what the commission levels are and how and when those levels can change. 2 pages
QS31435 - New York compensation disclosure requirements
- A comprehensive review of the compensation disclosure requirements for insurance agents and brokers in New York for property/casualty insurance transactions. 12 pages
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Company appointments
QS90646 - Establish solid business practices with your carriers—classic strategies for success
- This resource kit discusses some classic strategies for success for your agency. 3 pages
QS90937 - From the ground up—establish solid business practices with your carriers
- This resource kit discusses frustrations that can arise between agents and carriers and gives some ideas on how to alleviate those frustrations. 2 pages
QS90035 - How to present your agency to a company for appointment
- A guide for agencies to prepare for a possible company appointment, including a discussion of business, marketing, and perpetuation plans. 19 pages
QS90975 - Make your carrier your best friend—strong agency-carrier relationships
- A resource kit offering ways to keep your agency-carrier relationships flourishing. 2 pages
QS90104 - PIA’s Agency/Company Appointment Program and Appointment Access Program
- Brochure on PIA’s Agency/Company Appointment and Appointment Access Programs that assist members, carriers, MGAs, and GAs in finding each other for possible appointments. 2 pages
QS90446 - Six steps to true carrier partnerships
- Gives you the information you need to create and maintain a healthy relationship with the carriers with which you do business. 3 pages
QS90939 - The agent-carrier relationship—new customers, efficiency, and customer service are vital
- This resource kit focuses on the importance of acquisition, protection, and retention of clients as a foundation for carriers and agents working together as a team. 2 pages
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Company insolvency/rehabilitation
QS90399 - Carrier ratings: do they really matter?
- Review of carrier ratings and how they could impact your agency’s business. 2 pages
QS91078 - Carrier ratings: have the necessary process in place
- Offers a list of things you should do if one of your carriers has a rating change. 2 pages
QS31345 - New York insolvency procedures
- A comprehensive review of the procedures in New York state addressing company insolvency, rehabilitation and liquidation. 9 pages
QS90249 - Sample customer letter upon downgrading of insurer
- Sample verbiage agents may personalize to notify clients that a carrier’s A.M. Best rating has been lowered. 1 page
QS31346 - Summary of New York insolvency guaranty mechanisms
- An outline of the insurance insolvency mechanisms that are available in New York state. 3 pages
QS90401 - Understanding producer responsibility with company insolvency
- Outlines the company insolvency issue and in particular, an insurance producer’s duty of care in such situations. 4 pages
QS31449 - What you need to know about Adirondack Insurance Exchange and Mountain Valley’s exit from the New York market
- A comprehensive consumer flyer outlining what clients can expect with Adirondack and Mountain Valley’s exit. 1 page
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Consumer content
QS90951 - A homeowners policy amended by the HO 06 48 endorsement requires the insured to reside in the dwelling (10/07/24)
- Offers some commonly asked questions and answers regarding the ISO HO 06 48 endorsement. 1 page
QS90353 - A household inventory—well worth the time
- Consumer flyer on the importance of having a household inventory to support a claim. 1 page
QS90376 - Additional liability coverage is important
- A consumer flyer outlining the exposures and need for a personal umbrella policy. 1 page
QS90358 - Affordable insurance for renters (10/01/24)
- A question-and-answer consumer piece that answers the most commonly asked questions about renters insurance and exposures of a tenant. 1 page
QS31374 - An explanation of New York’s no-fault law and ATV PIP insurance benefits (10/25/24)
- A consumer question-and-answer flyer offering information on New York state no-fault coverage and how it applies to all-terrain vehicles. 1 page
QS31373 - An explanation of New York’s no-fault law and motor vehicle PIP insurance benefits
- A comprehensive question-and-answer piece outlining the no-fault rules for motor vehicles. 1 page
QS31375 - An explanation of New York’s no-fault law and motorcycle PIP insurance benefits
- A consumer question-and-answer flyer offering information on New York state no-fault coverage and how it applies to motorcycles. 1 page
QS90262 - Answers to questions you may have before going on vacation
- A consumer-oriented flyer that answers questions clients may ask about insurance coverage for items while they are vacationing. 1 page
QS90238 - Attention contractors: worker safety and health do affect our insurance premiums
- A question-and-answer piece on how OSHA rules affect contractors. 2 pages
QS31234 - Cell phone safety—driving home the importance (10/25/24)
- A consumer flyer developed to alert consumers about cell phone use. 1 page
QS31262 - Certificates of insurance
- Consumer-oriented flyer that answers some of the commonly asked questions about certificates of insurance. 2 pages
QS90767 - Commercial excess policies are for accidents that become tragedies (09/06/24)
- A question-and-answer piece that addresses some of the common commercial umbrella questions your commercial-lines clients might have. 1 page
QS90351 - Crime prevention begins at home (09/20/24)
- An easy-to-understand consumer flyer that addresses steps an insured can take in their home to reduce the chance of a theft. 1 page
QS90687 - Cyber security insurance—what is it and why do I need it?
- A consumer flyer outlining the exposures that a business faces when it comes to cyber security risks. 2 pages
QS90784 - Do I have any control over my auto insurance premiums?
- A question-and-answer piece that offers tips for consumers on how to lower their auto insurance premiums. 2 pages
QS31213 - Do I need a separate insurance policy for my boat?
- Overviews coverage needs of boaters and whether their existing homeowners policy will meet the need or if a separate policy is warranted. 1 page
QS90372 - Don’t be tricked by Halloween fire hazards
- A consumer flyer that offers safety tips for trick-or-treaters. 1 page
QS90619 - Earthquake coverage not included in business insurance policies
- A small business-oriented flyer that brings out the exposures businesses face with regard to earthquake exposures that is easily copied onto your agency letterhead. 1 page
QS90350 - Earthquake coverage not included in homeowners insurance policies
- A consumer flyer that addresses earthquake coverage options and applicable waiting periods. 1 page
QS90261 - Enjoy your summer without getting burned
- Safety issues consumers want to be aware of during the summer season. 1 page
QS90245 - Flood damage: is my home covered?
- A consumer piece that answers commonly asked questions about flood insurance. 1 page
QS90366 - Frozen pipes and other ice and snow damage
- An easy-to-understand consumer piece on coverages applicable when pipes freeze or other ice and snow damage occurs. 1 page
QS90669 - Going away to school—an insurance perspective
- A flyer that outlines the insurance considerations of parents who have children going to college. 1 page
QS90357 - High-rise residents have unique fire precaution concerns (09/27/24)
- Answers to questions a high-rise resident might have to ensure their proper evacuation from a burning building. 1 page
QS90270 - Holiday gifts and insurance coverage
- Answers to commonly asked questions on holiday gifts and their insurance implications. 1 page
QS90948 - Home sharing and your homeowners policy
- A comprehensive question-and-answer piece outlining the exposures when you rent your home out. 1 page
QS90364 - Homeowners insurance basics
- A question-and-answer consumer flyer that addresses questions your homeowner insureds might ask. 1 page
QS90359 - How to keep your vehicle safe from car thieves
- A comprehensive question-and-answer flyer regarding protecting your vehicle from theft. 1 page
QS90363 - How to save money on auto insurance
- Tips for consumers on how they can save on their auto insurance rates. 1 page
QS90556 - Identity theft—who’s been in your wallet?
- A consumer piece easily copied onto your agency letterhead outlining how to protect yourself from identity theft. 2 pages
QS90711 - Insurance and the divorcing couple
- A consumer flyer addressing the insurance issues that can arise when a couple decides to separate or divorce. 2 pages
QS90362 - Insuring your in-home business (09/20/24)
- An easy-to-understand, consumer-oriented piece that addresses the coverage exposures when someone decides to open an in-home business. 1 page
QS31442 - New York Labor Law adds building owner risk
- A FAQ piece on the exposures for a building owner when it comes to New York state’s Labor Law. 2 pages
QS31411 - New York Labor Law adds to construction costs
- A comprehensive question-and-answer piece that outlines how New York’s Labor Law affects construction costs. 2 pages
QS31425 - New York ride hailing: Income Lyft or Uber dangerous?
- A comprehensive question-and-answer piece that addresses the common questions about ride-hailing exposures. 1 page
QS31352 - New York state supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorists coverage
- A comprehensive question-and-answer piece on how your insureds can protect themselves from uninsured or underinsured drivers. 1 page
QS31264 - New York’s "Construction Industry Fair Play Act"—information for contractors about workers’ compensation insurance
- A consumer flyer that answers some of the commonly asked questions about the Construction Industry Fair Play Act. 2 pages
QS90386 - Not all property is equal when choosing the right insurance
- Answers to commonly asked questions regarding how to properly insure stamp collections, fine arts, and jewelry. 1 page
QS90361 - Personal life insurance: the basics
- An easy-to-understand consumer piece that outlines the different types of life insurance policies and how premiums are determined. 1 page
QS90242 - Planning for the interruption of business operations due to a catastrophe
- A question-and-answer piece discussing business interruption insurance and how it applies during a catastrophe. 2 pages
QS90482 - Questions that business owners may have about their property loss claim following a catastrophic event
- A consumer-oriented flyer addressing post-catastrophe questions your clients may ask. 2 pages
QS90483 - Questions that homeowners may have about their property loss claim following a catastrophic event
- A consumer-oriented flier designed to answer commonly asked questions after a homeowner suffers a property loss. 2 pages
QS90368 - Replacement cost coverage: a wise investment
- An explanation of replacement cost coverage to allow consumers to make an informed decision when purchasing homeowners coverage. 1 page
QS31223 - Should I buy insurance from a rental car agency?
- A consumer flyer, written in question-and-answer format, that discusses rental car coverage and how it applies. 1 page
QS90356 - Storm damage—what’s covered?
- A consumer flyer answering commonly asked questions regarding how to protect your property from storm damage and what damages are covered under homeowners policies. 1 page
QS90705 - The basics on ‘fracking’
- A helpful consumer flyer explaining hydraulic fracturing and coverage under a homeowners policy. 1 page
QS90355 - The dangers of drunken driving (10/25/24)
- A question-and-answer piece that outlines the warning signs of drunk drivers, information on hosting a party, and how to protect yourself from drunk drivers. 1 page
QS90522 - The facts of prescreened insurance offers
- A comprehensive question-and-answer piece that explains what prescreened insurance offers are and how they work. 1 page
QS31217 - Understanding New York excess-line policies (09/06/24)
- Consumer flyer that answers some of the commonly asked questions insureds ask when dealing with an excess and surplus line policy. 2 pages
QS90264 - What do I need to know about credit reports and scores?
- A question-and-answer piece that answers commonly asked questions including what is a credit score, what’s a good score to get, how long the information is kept, and more. 2 pages
QS90367 - What to do if you’re involved in an accident
- A consumer flyer on what you should do if you have been involved in an accident and the appropriate information you should get to ensure a smooth claims process. 1 page
QS90736 - What you need to know about disaster-related casualties and your personal taxes
- A comprehensive consumer flyer explaining some of the tax implications of disaster-related losses. 2 pages
QS90354 - What you need to know before you volunteer (09/26/24)
- A comprehensive question-and-answer piece that outlines exposures for those that volunteer their time. 2 pages
QS90990 - What you should consider before changing auto insurers
- A consumer flyer on things that should be considered before changing auto insurance carriers. 1 page
QS91105 - Why is my insurance being affected by the hard market?
- A consumer flyer outlining some of the commonly asked questions about the current hard market. 2 pages
QS90275 - Winter driving tips
- Tips all drivers can use when dealing with winter weather and impaired driving conditions. 1 page
QS90271 - Wintertime and fire safety
- A consumer piece that deals with woodburning stoves and other holiday season safety issues. 1 page
QS90374 - Your young drivers—help them play it safe
- A consumer flyer on the insurance exposures of teen drivers answering parent’s commonly asked questions. 1 page
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Consumer materials
QS91106 - Hard market sample client letter
- A sample client letter addressing the hard market and issues clients might be seeing.
QS31330 - New York State Department of Financial Services consumer complaint form
- New York State Department of Financial Services complaint form and filing procedures. 1 page
QS31167 - New York state property/casualty insurance—a small business guide
- A "must have" resource for small business owners to help them make informed decisions regarding their insurance needs. 7 pages
QS31403 - Remodeling, building or fixing your home?—Nail down these important details to secure your project (1-page flier)
- PIANY and the New York State Builders Association collaborated to develop this consumer piece, which includes information and details that can protect homeowners when considering a remodeling or home-building project. 1 page
QS31404 - Remodeling, building or fixing your home?—Nail down these important details to secure your project (2-page flier)
- PIANY and the New York State Builders Association collaborated to develop this consumer piece, which includes information and details that can protect homeowners when considering a remodeling or home-building project. 1 page
QS31444 - Sample customer letter upon withdrawal of insurer rating: Adirondack Insurance Exchange
- A sample letter for agents to send to customers about Adirondack Insurance Exchange’s withdrawal of Demotech rating
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Contracts and agreements
QS90517 - Agency-insurer agreements—information issues for agency principals
- Overviews important contract aspects insurance producers should be aware of when “accepting” online agency-insurer agreements. 3 pages
QS91060 - Be alert: red flags in agency agreements
- This resource kit discusses a few clauses popping up in agency agreements. 3 pages
QS90131 - Brokerage contracts—a checklist
- A checklist of items brokers should be aware of and, at a minimum, be included in any brokerage contract. 1 page
QS91104 - FAQ: U.S. Federal Trade Commission non-compete ban
- A comprehensive FAQ on what this ban means to insurance agents. 2 pages
QS90804 - Is your agency making expensive promises?
- This resource kit gives insight into what could be intended as nothing more than an enthusiastic declaration of dedication to help secure coverage, which could put an agency on the hook for more than it may have considered. 3 pages
QS90791 - It’s more than who owns the book of business
- The issue of who owns a book of business goes beyond carrier-agency relationships. This resource kit discusses the different types of relationships and how to protect your ownership of a book of business. 2 pages
QS31233 - New York sample producer contract
- A sample employment contract created by PIA’s technical staff. 10 pages
QS90014 - PIA research series: agency agreements
- A PIA National report covering agency agreements and their important aspects, including ownership of business, commissions, termination, and contingency agreements. 36 pages
QS31194 - Professional Insurance Wholesalers Association and PIANY sample brokerage agreement
- PIWA in cooperation with PIANY offers sample language for an agreement between a wholesaler and broker. 4 pages
QS90216 - Reviewing agency agreements—PIA offers producers a few tips
- Tips on things producers should look for when reviewing company/agency agreements, such as agent’s authority, indemnification, compensation, termination, and warranties. 3 pages
QS90276 - Separation agreements
- Offers tips on things that should be considered when developing a separation agreement, including sample verbiage. 3 pages
QS90572 - Understanding the restrictions of a noncompete
- This illustration of restrictive employment covenants helps clarify what a noncompete agreement must contain in order to be upheld by the courts. 3 pages
QS91042 - What is a restrictive covenant; why do I care?
- Understanding what restrictive covernants are and the limitations that exist for both employers and employees will help you pick the agreement that is a good fit for everyone. 3 pages
QS90728 - Who really owns the book of business?
- A comprehensive review of agency/company agreements and, in particular, ownership rights. 2 pages
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Coronavirus (COVID-19)
QS91013 - Additional information about paid medical, family, and sick leave rules
- A compilation of frequently asked questions regarding the federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act paid medical, family, and sick leave legislation. 2 pages
QS91032 - Business interruption and recent lawsuits
- A discussion on recent court cases involving business interruption and exclusions for pandemics. 3 pages
QS91001 - COVID-19: what you need to know
- A compilation of insurance-related information and resources relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. 7 pages
QS91010 - FAQ on SBA Paycheck Protection Program loans
- A comprehensive FAQ piece on the SBA loan application process. 2 pages
QS91012 - FFCRA paid medical and family leave
- A comprehensive overview of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act paid medical and family leave changes in light of COVID-19. 2 pages
QS91011 - How to prepare to apply for an SBA Paycheck Protection Program loan
- Steps to prepare for applying for a loan through the SBA Paycheck Protection Program. 2 pages
QS91031 - Lessons from COVID: stay connected with clients
- This resource kit offers information on ways to stay in touch with your clients through electronic communications. 2 pages
QS31418 - N.Y. Paid Family Leave expansion for employees quarantined due to COVID-19
- A comprehensive summary of how New York state is addressing the Paid Family Leave expansion in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. 2 pages
QS91003 - Paid Sick Leave signed by president
- An outline of the Paid Sick Leave legislation in response to COVID-19. 1 page
QS91009 - President signs federal stimulus package; includes loans for small businesses
- A comprehensive summary of the federal stimulus package. 1 page
QS91004 - Sample client letter—Insurance coverages and COVID-19
- A sample letter that you can adapt for your individual agency to explain the business interruption commercial property exposure of COVID-19. 1 page
QS31420 - Sample client letters—Premium payments while under COVID-19 financial stress
- A sample letter agents can use to notify their clients about paying premiums during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Coverage checklists
QS90750 - BOP vs. CPP (10/08/24)
- Discussion of the differences between a businessowners policy and a commercial package policy. 3 pages
QS90739 - Catastrophes stress need for talks, checklists, and documentation (10/15/24)
- This resource kit discusses the importance of helping your clients understand what is covered under their insurance policies and how coverage checklists can be helpful in determining your customer’s needs. 2 pages
QS90782 - Commercial property valuation/limit checklist (10/01/24)
- A comprehensive customer checklist to use when working to determine property valuations. 2 pages
QS90272 - Homeowners exposure survey (09/09/24)
- A form that allows producers to run down the various homeowners exposures and make notes when reviewing coverage with the insureds. Includes a spot for insureds to initial if they choose not to select a particular coverage. 5 pages
QS90679 - Sample commercial-lines coverage checklist (10/04/24)
- A sample checklist for commercial lines that you can use when reviewing exposures with your commercial-lines clients. 2 pages
QS90680 - Sample life insurance coverage checklist (10/03/24)
- A sample checklist that you can use when reviewing life insurance exposures with your clients. 2 pages
QS31261 - Sample personal auto exposure survey—New York (09/11/24)
- A form that allows producers to run down the various personal auto exposures and make notes when reviewing coverage with insureds. It has a spot for insureds to initial if they choose not to select a particular coverage. 2 pages
QS90583 - Workers’ compensation: insurance and risk management checklist (09/24/24)
- A comprehensive checklist to assist insurance professionals when reviewing workers’ compensation policies with their clients. 2 pages
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Coverage issues
QS90167 - 1999 ISO employee theft endorsements
- This resource kit unshackles the crime policy by examining some of the employee theft coverage variations that are available through several endorsements. 5 pages
QS90434 - 2000 crime program revisions
- Makes a simple distinction between the eight insuring agreements of the Commercial Crime Coverage Form in terms of the crimes covered, types of property covered, and locations where property is covered. 4 pages
QS90485 - 2006 ISO BOP
- Summarizes the Insurance Services Office Inc.’s 48 changes to the BP 00 03 coverage form, 32 changes to multistate endorsements, and 11 new multistate endorsements. 3 pages
QS90057 - A primer on surety
- Offers a basic knowledge of surety fundamentals that will assist agents in serving their clients. 3 pages
QS90979 - Active shooter: is there coverage? (10/03/24)
- Discusses how a general liability policy would respond to an active-shooter negligence claim. 3 pages
QS90924 - Additional insureds vs. named additional insureds (10/07/24)
- An in-depth discussion of the differences between additional insureds and named additional insureds. 3 pages
QS90535 - Asking the right questions
- Discusses the questions an insurance practitioner should ask to obtain a complete analysis of coverage. 4 pages
QS90419 - Bail-ing out (09/11/24)
- Discusses the coverage issues presented by bailments and how they are properly handled. 3 pages
QS90418 - Bailment basics
- Outlines the legal theories that create exposures to financial loss. 3 pages
QS91108 - Best practices to assist clients during the claims process
- This document offers suggestions for things agents should consider while guiding clients through the claims process. 2 pages
QS90665 - Blanket or automatic: it really does make a difference (10/08/24)
- It is always important to be able to advise your clients correctly. This document discusses the distinction between “blanket” and “automatic” additional insureds, a common E&O exposure. 1 page
QS90820 - Boom!—boiler and machinery exposures
- This resource kit discusses ways to provide coverage for boiler and machinery exposures. 4 pages
QS90993 - Cannabis insurance coverage
- This resource kit discusses issues likely to confront the insurability of the cannabis industry along with summaries of court decisions on the subject. 5 pages
QS91019 - Catch the wave—how AI will affect insurance buying
- This resource kit explains some aspects of artificial intelligence and how it will affect the way consumers do business in the digital world. 8 pages
QS90630 - Cyber insurance
- This resource kit discusses what cyberliability is, how it can affect your business, and what exposures you may have. 3 pages
QS90957 - Indemnity Jones and the raiders of the lost policy
- Discusses the importance of keeping track of older policies and records for evidence to help respond to a present claim. 2 pages
QS90118 - Insurable interest—how far will it stretch?
- For a claim to be paid the claimant must be an insured under the policy and the insured must have an insurable interest, as this resource kit will explain. 3 pages
QS90656 - Insurance policy comparison firms
- A listing of insurance policy comparison firms who can assist you in comparing policies for your clients. 1 page
QS90459 - Insureds going through divorce—avoiding collateral damage
- Discusses contractual obligations and provides prudent procedures that will assist agents dealing with policy issues that arise when insureds become separated or divorced. 3 pages
QS91056 - Insuring Hogwarts: a guide for Muggle schools
- Offers a discussion on how to insure schools against student injuries, angry parents, and outside risks. 2 pages
QS90597 - Is D&O liability covered under a homeowners policy?
- Reviews items that should be considered when discussing directors and officers liability exposures with your clients who volunteer for nonprofit boards of directors. 2 pages
QS90402 - ISO 2002 eligibility changes for garage risks
- Addresses what to consider when converting a service risk from the garage policy. 3 pages
QS90056 - ISO Underground Storage Tank Program
- Outline of ISO’s Underground Storage Tank Program that offers a self-contained policy and discussion of its features. 2 pages
QS90920 - It’s a coverage trap!
- The resource kit focuses on exclusions and/or coverage restrictions that can sometimes be hidden in your insureds’ policies. 2 pages
QS90729 - It’s the end of the world as we know it ... and I feel fine (10/09/24)
- Provides a refresher course on the basics of some key coverages your clients may want to consider. 2 pages
QS90488 - Joint Ownership Coverage endorsement
- Depicts relationships that can form the basis of joint ownership and illustrates when to use the ISO Joint Ownership Coverage endorsement to provide appropriate insurance coverage. 2 pages
QS90195 - Living trusts (09/03/24)
- In-depth analysis of living trusts—how they would affect homeowners and personal auto coverage, as well as probate procedures. 5 pages
QS90106 - Manufacturers selling price endorsement
- While many manufacturers have a continuous production schedule and relatively stable inventory levels, you should advise them of potential loss to the mark-up value of finished stock, as this kit will discuss. 4 pages
QS31224 - New York Department of Financial Services announces the inclusion of spousal liability coverage on personal and commercial automobile insurance policies (10/01/24)
- Overviews the New York State Department of Financial Services regulation and circular letter giving direction to the auto insurance industry on how to implement the supplemental spousal liability requirements. 8 pages
QS90179 - Options for covering watercraft
- A refresher on watercraft insurance and how to determine the best avenue for coverage for the wide range of watercraft available. 3 pages
QS91093 - Parametric disaster insurance
- A discussion on what parametric disaster insurance, how it works and who is using it. 2 pages
QS90998 - Protection for good guys (10/03/24)
- A discussion of coverages to have in place for protecting nonprofits and their officers, directors, and volunteers. 2 pages
QS90438 - Reservation of rights letters and non-waiver agreements
- A discussion of what a reservation of rights letter means with regard to coverage, including tips on producer involvement. 3 pages
QS90323 - Sub-ro-ga-tion (09/06/24)
- Provides an explanation (with examples) of subrogation and how it applies to specific types of policies. 4 pages
QS31438 - Supplemental spousal liability FAQs
- Offers answers to some of the commonly asked questions relating to supplemental spousal liability coverage in New York. 2 pages
QS90423 - The dreaded coinsurance exam question
- For the insurance novice or the more experienced practitioner who has not quite been able to conquer the coinsurance concept. 4 pages
QS90105 - The impact of production fluctuation on business income coverage
- A discussion of how seasonal and yearly fluctuations in production can impact business income coverage and the appropriate measures to take to make the most effective use of premium. 5 pages
QS90225 - The orphan policy (09/18/24)
- Explains how automobile and homeowners policies are affected when the policyholder dies. 3 pages
QS90492 - To report or not to report
- A discussion of claim denials on the late notice of claim; if and when an occurrence is reported to the carrier and what implications there are for all parties concerned. 4 pages
QS90092 - U.S. territories—what are they?
- A comprehensive definition of policy territories when it states the United States of America, its territories, or possessions. 4 pages
QS90466 - Volunteers get much-needed immunity
- A summary of the Volunteer Protection Act of 1997, a federal law, which limits the liability concerns for volunteers of nonprofit organizations. 2 pages
QS90454 - When dogs have more than a bark
- An illustration of the “landscape” of the New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Vermont dog-bite laws, including specific approaches taken. 3 pages
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Credit reports
QS31372 - New York credit freezes and personal record destruction
- An overview of the Identity Theft and Mitigation Act, effective Nov. 1, 2006, which allows consumers to bar access to their credit data. 2 pages
QS31360 - New York law and regulations governing use of credit information in personal lines
- Summarizes New York law and regulation governing insurers’ use of credit in underwriting and rating personal lines, including customer notices, recordkeeping, agent ’hold harmless’ and more. 20 pages
QS31145 - What’s the score?—insurance scores, MVRs, credit reports and their compliance issues
- An in-depth report on insurance scoring, how models are developed, a discussion of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and agent responsibilities and concerns. 10 pages
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Customer service
QS90966 - ‘We’ve always done it this way’—it’s time to re-examine your carrier service centers
- A discussion of what carrier service centers have to offer and how they could be a good fit for your agency. 3 pages
QS90673 - Are your CSRs familiar with government programs and pools? (10/25/24)
- Summary of the six common nonstandard pools to place coverage when a standard market is not an option. 2 pages
QS90774 - Attract and retain good CSRs
- This resource kit provides tips on how to attract and retain good CSRs. 2 pages
QS90799 - Broker liability: duty to defend
- This resource kit discusses brokers being held liable for the insurance purchasing advice they provide to clients. 2 pages
QS90856 - Can your customers bind coverage by simply sending you an email? (09/10/24)
- A discussion of the necessity of having an email disclaimer for E&O purposes. 2 pages
QS90474 - Cash, swag, and recognition—What motivates your CSRs? (09/06/24)
- Ideas to help successfully motivate CSRs and improve the climate of their working environment. 3 pages
QS90610 - Customer service centers can help your agency in today’s competitive market (10/02/24)
- Offers information on customer service centers and how using them could be beneficial to your agency. 2 pages
QS90443 - Dealing with difficult customers (10/15/24)
- Become adept at handling difficult customer situations by using the tips and tools provided in this resource kit. 4 pages
QS90441 - Dealing with your customers’ time constraints
- Attack the challenge of your customers’ time contraints by making the time spent more productive for both parties, using the three strategies discussed in this resource kit. 3 pages
QS90965 - Duty-of-care best practices
- Offers a few best practices your agency can adopt to help minimize your E&O exposure. 2 pages
QS90775 - Five tips for helping your service team sell
- This resource kit provides you with tips to help your customer service team try their hand at making sales. 2 pages
QS90477 - Handling the irate caller (08/29/24)
- Provides some basic strategies to use when speaking with unhappy, irate customers. 2 pages
QS90307 - How well do you know your clients?
- Stresses the importance of knowing your customers so that you can provide the best coverage possible. 2 pages
QS90293 - Making the customer connection (09/18/24)
- A five-step process that will allow you to reveal needs and create value regarding the products and services you offer. 3 pages
QS90685 - Maximize customer relationships in an unpredictable economy
- Some popular methods in today’s tough economy to retain good customers. 3 pages
QS90312 - Personal relationships work far better than sales techniques—satisfied customers make great salespeople (09/24/24)
- Teaches how important personal relationships are to creating successful businesses. 2 pages
QS90802 - Sample electronic delivery consent form
- A sample consent form allowing you to electronically transmit policy information to your clients with their written sign-off. 1 page
QS90800 - What’s on your customer service checklist? (09/10/24)
- A checklist of five ways to improve customer service and win long-term repeat and referral business. 2 pages
QS90163 - Working the phones—seven tips to make your call center more customer friendly
- Covers seven tips that will increase the effectiveness of your agency call center to provide the utmost in customer service. 2 pages
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QS91046 - Capacity enhancement guide—implementing strong authentication (10/02/24)
- This guide discusses the importance of implementing strong authentication. 9 pages
QS31436 - Certification of compliance: a guide
- Offers some commonly asked questions about New York state’s cyber security regulation’s certification of compliance requirements. 2 pages
QS90982 - Creating a third-party service provider security policy—how to comply with Section 500.11 of New York’s cyber security regulation
- A discussion of the requirements of New York’s cyber security Regulation Section 500.11 with a questionnaire to assist in complying. 1 page
QS91067 - Cyber security challenges and remote workers—trends and best practices
- Offers a discussion about cyber security challenges surrounding remote workers and offers some suggestions for keeping your data safe from ransomeware. 3 pages
QS90929 - Cybersecurity and the agency contract
- A discussion on cybersecurity clauses that are becoming more popular in agency contracts. 2 pages
QS90984 - Cybersecurity: play offense for your defense
- An overview of steps you can take to protect your agency from a cyber attack. 2 pages
QS90930 - Equifax credit breach
- This resource kit offers information on the Equifax credit breach, credit freezes, and what all this could mean for policyholders. 1 page
QS90928 - Equifax: the insurance questions and answers
- This resource kit offers information on Equifax, insurance coverages available to protect against data security breaches, and what consumers can do to protect themselves. 2 pages
QS90970 - Establishing your data-retention policy—how to comply with NYCRR 500.13: limitations on data retention
- This resource kit outlines the requirements of NYCRR 500.13 within New York state’s cyber security regulation for all producers writing business in New York state. 2 pages
QS90905 - Everything you need to know about the New York State Department of Financial Services’ cyber security requirements for financial services companies but were afraid to ask—23 NYCRR 500
- A comprehensive review of the requirements of the New York State Department of Financial Services’ new cyber security regulation. 14 pages
QS91069 - How do I advise my clients on what matters most? An insurance agent’s guide to cybersecurity
- A discussion about things you and your insureds can do to protect yourselves from a cyber attack. 5 pages
QS91068 - Managing risks with cyber liability policies
- A discussion on the cyber liability policy, its sublimits and exclusions, and how understanding those requirements can help clients manage their risks for a minimal impact on their operations. 3 pages
QS91045 - Multi-factor authentication (10/01/24)
- This document gives an overview of what multi-factor authentication is and why it is so important. 1 page
QS90941 - National Association of Insurance Commissioners cyber security model law
- Offers a PIA summary and the text of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners cybersecurity model law. 10 pages
QS31450 - New York cyber security regulation compliance checklist—limited exemption entities
- A comprehensive checklist for those who meet the limited exemption outlining their responsibilities under the cyber security regulation. 1 page
QS31437 - New York State Department of Financial Services Finalized Second Amendment to 23 NYCRR 500—Section-by-section analysis
- A comprehensive review of the proposed changes to New York’s cyber security regulation 23 NYCRR 500. 13 pages
QS31431 - New York State Department of Financial Services issues guidance to reduce ransomware attacks
- An overview of the New York State Department of Financial Services guidance on ransomware attacks. 2 pages
QS90956 - Patch your computers and reduce your risk
- Provides seven steps to take to build an effective patch-and-vulnerability management program. 1 page
QS90959 - Ransomware is a real menace
- Ransomware is a popular cybersecurity attack. This resource kit provides prevention and recovery tactics for agents to address this threat with confidence and success. 2 pages
QS90961 - The NAIC model law
- The NAIC Model Law and the NYDFS regulation on cybersecurity are similar in many respects, but there are some notable differences. This resource kits offers an overview of each. 2 pages
QS91064 - Understanding the true costs of data breaches
- Offers a discussion on the legal liabilities following a data breach. 3 pages
QS90986 - Want new ways to outwit hacks?—cybersecurity 2024
- Offers some suggestions and recommendations for a strategic approach to cybersecurity. 3 pages
QS91066 - Watch out for those (cyber) exposures
- Cyber exposures have evolved over the last few years. It’s important to agents to keep clients apprised of new exposures and how to protect themselves from these types of threats. 3 pages
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QS90502 - Continuing education/licensing renewal tracking services
- Contact information for firms that provide continuing education and license renewal tracking services. 1 page
QS31433 - Continuing-education changes in New York: What does it mean?
- This resource kit offers a list of frequently asked questions and answers surrounding the recently changed continuing education requirements in New York. 2 pages
QS31035 - DMV-approved motor vehicle accident prevention course sponsors
- Motor vehicle accident courses approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles that allow a reduction in insurance premiums. 5 pages
QS31409 - FAQ: PIANY’s continuing-education reform law: what it means to agents and brokers
- A comprehensive FAQ regarding the history and effect this new continuing-education law with have in agents and brokers and their CE requirements. 1 page
QS31251 - New York State Department of Financial Services-approved property/casualty pre-licensing course providers
- A listing of providers approved by New York State Department of Financial Services who offer property/casualty courses for pre-licensing purposes. 9 pages
QS31026 - New York’s continuing education requirements for insurance producers
- An in-depth discussion of New York’s continuing education requirements, explanation of course numbers and prefixes, licensing periods, sublicensee requirements, as well as an easy reference chart. 6 pages
QS90385 - PIA offers designation/certificate programs
- Highlights three professional designation/certificate programs available through PIA. 1 page
QS31001 - PIANY’s education schedule
- Schedule of upcoming educational courses available through PIANY, including online and classroom programs. 7 pages
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Employee staffing
QS90198 - Avoid common hiring mistakes to select top talent (10/11/24)
- This resource kit covers some of the important mistakes made during the hiring process and how to better prepare yourself beforehand to ensure employee compatibility within the agency. 3 pages
QS31241 - Employer recruitment assistance program
- An online resource of how to work with one-stop careers centers to locate potential agency employees. 22 pages
QS90594 - Personality and aptitude assessment firms (10/04/24)
- A listing of nationwide firms that offer personality and aptitude testing for the purpose of assisting in the hiring process. 2 pages
QS90666 - Rapid producer validation—find a good fit, assign a mentor, and be quick to fire if things go bad
- This helpful resource kit discusses things to look for when hiring a new producer for your agency. 4 pages
QS90578 - Strategies for hiring and retaining talent
- Tools to assist you in hiring and retaining talented employees, including special worksheets for developing assessments, employee goals, strategic action plans, self evaluations, and so much more. 14 pages
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Employee training
QS90580 - Four easy ways to boost productivity (09/06/24)
- Changes that could lead your agency to a more streamlined, productive, and successful year. 2 pages
QS90471 - Training employees, supervisors, and managers (10/15/24)
- Discusses the legal implications created by the employer-employee relationship when dealing with the screening, interviewing, and hiring process; workplace harassment; and requests for leaves of absence and accommodations. 4 pages
QS90464 - Transitioning to a specialty agency model—training that gets results
- Discusses the need to train existing employees on the importance of becoming more specialized in their product offerings. 5 pages
QS90537 - Understanding and effectively utilizing progressive discipline
- Provides tips to help employers deal with employee discipline,and attempt to address and correct performance and conduct concerns. 3 pages
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Employee/employer compensation
QS90635 - Agency compensation and productivity—what the latest studies show
- A comprehensive comparison of the latest compensation studies outlining producer and CSR compensation levels. 10 pages
QS90124 - Effective sales management: monitoring producers’ performance, production, compensation, and support
- Offers input on effective ways to monitor producers, their production, and ultimately compensation. 3 pages
QS90461 - How productive are your CSRs?
- A discussion of CSR commission, production, and compensation standards to determine adequate staffing needs based on results from a national study of independent agencies. 4 pages
QS90024 - How to compensate agency owners
- This resource kit discusses developing an equitable plan to properly compensate agency owners for the specific roles they play. 2 pages
QS90324 - Is your agency on course?—employee compensation
- Offers benchmark results of the Academy’s Growth and Performance Standards study to assist owners and managers in determining the proper range of salaries and/or bonuses for their employees. 5 pages
QS90156 - Motivate key producers with a deferred commission plan
- Overview of a popular arrangement agencies are using to offer their producers a deferred commission plan to allow them to share in the fruits of their work. 2 pages
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Errors and omissions
QS90835 - Agency producers: we need your total E&O committment
- A discussion of how a producer’s commitment to an agency can play an integral role in the agency’s success. 2 pages
QS91091 - Agency sales producers: Your total E&O commitment
- A review of key points to remember when dealing with clients to avoid the potential for E&O claims. 2 pages
QS90525 - Agents and brokers errors and omissions (09/26/24)
- An informative piece put out by The National Underwriter Co. discussing professional liability insurance for agents and brokers. 9 pages
QS90927 - Are you holding your customers accountable? (10/17/24)
- A discussion of the importance of keeping well-documented records of dealings with your clients to avoid E&O situations. 2 pages
QS91094 - Are you setting your agency up for a claim?
- Offers guidance on the components of good documentation and when documentation should take place. 2 pages
QS91070 - Common causes for E&O claims: policies and claims
- Offers a discussion on some of the most common E&O claims and how to avoid them. 1 page
QS91054 - Communicating with your clients via social media
- This article discusses how to use social media to effectively protect yourself from errors-and-omissions issues. 2 pages
QS90963 - Dangers of signing your client’s name
- A discussion of things that can go wrong if you sign your client’s name on an insurance document for them. 1 page
QS91086 - Declined coverage form: A vital marketing, E&O tool
- Using this one tool can help you provide your clients with the relevant coverage options available, which can increase their financial security and your agency’s sales, while protecting your agency from E&O claims for failing to offer the correct coverage or limits. 2 pages
QS90926 - Did the carrier provide all the coverages you requested? (09/03/24)
- This resource kit discusses the importance of comparing carrier proposals and the application to avoid an E&O claim. 1 page
QS90968 - Fact or fiction? E&O claim reporting period
- This resource kit offers a discussion on claim-reporting periods and the importance of adequate tail coverage to cover claims reported later on down the road. 1 page
QS91100 - Failure to give proper advice: commercial lines
- Offers some real-life commercial-lines insurance claims, and advice on what you could do to avoid similar E&O claims in your agency. 2 pages
QS90470 - Have you ever audited your agency?
- Using two distinct approaches, these internal auditing procedure tips will help agencies identify their specific areas of E&O concern. 2 pages
QS90851 - How management shapes an agency’s E&O culture
- Critical reminders for management that play a significant role in minimizing the potential for E&O claims. 2 pages
QS90513 - How to increase your profits and reduce your E&O exposure (10/15/24)
- Offers four simple steps that will not only decrease E&O exposures but help to increase agency profits. 2 pages
QS90816 - Is your agency as ‘E&O-proof’ as you think? (09/04/24)
- This document talks about reviewing different areas of your agency where you may be able to increase your agency’s E&O loss-prevention strategies. 2 pages
QS91061 - Is your agency’s website an E&O target?
- A discussion about how false promises on your website can lead to an E&O claim down the road. 2 pages
QS90773 - Reduce your chances of an E&O claim (10/17/24)
- Being a producer or account executive requires tremendous knowledge and attention to detail. This resource kit offers helpful strategies for ways to reduce your chances of an E&O claim. 2 pages
QS90202 - The 24/7 agency—E&O security in an age of constant communication (09/10/24)
- Concerns and recommendations that agencies face when trying to meet the increased demands of customers. 7 pages
QS91102 - The E&O implications of AI
- This resource kit gives examples of AI-related lawsuits showing what kind of impact the use of AI could have in the insurance industry. 2 pages
QS91076 - The good, bad, and in-between of documentation
- A discussion about the importance of educating staff on the documentation expectations of the agency to avoid an errors and omissions claim. 2 pages
QS90670 - The mirror test—a significant E&O hotspot
- Discusses the importance of mirroring coverage when moving a policy to a different carrier and discussing the differences with your policyholders. 2 pages
QS90853 - Which position would you rather take?
- A review of an E&O situation in which some positive initiatives are pointed out along with things that can be done differently. 2 pages
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Excess and surplus lines
QS91038 - E&S is not the Wild West
- A discussion on the complexities of the E&S insurance market. 3 pages
QS31208 - ELANY Affidavit Part C—affidavit by producing broker
- Actual copy of the Excess Line Association of New York’s Affidavit Part C, which is completed by the producing broker when placing a risk in the excess and surplus line market. 3 pages
QS91075 - Excess lines of power
- This document offers guidance for how to place risks in the excess-and-surplus-lines marketplace. 2 pages
QS31405 - Excess-line essentials
- This resource kit reviews the essentials needed to write an excess-line policy in New York state. 2 pages
QS31040 - New York state exportable list
- Listing of specific risks for which the superintendent has waived the requirement for brokers to obtain declinations from authorized insurers, because coverage from authorized insurers is generally unavailable. 7 pages
QS90689 - Placing business with wholesalers (10/10/24)
- Offers tips on what to look for when placing business through a wholesaler. 4 pages
QS31188 - The wholesale option (10/03/24)
- An in-depth resource kit that overviews the excess- and surplus-lines market, expectations of both retail and wholesale agents, applicable regulations, exportable list information and commonly used terms. 18 pages
QS91111 - There and back again: An E&S journey
- This document offers tips on properly navigating the E&S marketplace. 3 pages
QS90737 - When using wholesalers, you don’t want to assume
- Discusses some issues to keep in mind when placing business in the E&S market. 2 pages
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QS31006 - Charging fees in New York
- Overviews the laws, regulations, opinions of general counsel and court cases that address the dos and don’ts of charging service fees in New York state. 15 pages
QS31361 - New York state referral fees
- Lists a number of the New York Department of Financial Services’ Office of General Counsel opinions regarding referral fees, including acceptable practices and prohibited acts. 2 pages
QS31428 - Referral fees to unlicensed persons
- Offers information relating to referral fees to unlicensed employees. 2 pages
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QS31037 - Flex-rating—summarized from Regulation 129
- A discussion of Regulation 129, which defines the extent to which rate levels may be increased or decreased without prior approval. 2 pages
QS31036 - Rating plans—summarized from Regulation 129
- While flex-rating offers the flexibility to increase or decrease rates for an entire line of insurance, rating plans permit an underwriter to credit or debit an individual policy, based on credible factors, as this kit will discuss. 2 pages
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QS31389 - Answers to your New York state flood insurance training questions
- A question-and-answer piece that addresses some of the commonly asked questions PIA’s Industry Resource Center has answered regarding the new flood insurance training requirements. 2 pages
QS91083 - Back to the future of flood
- Offers an overview of the history of the NFIP and how it’s moving forward in the future. 2 pages
QS91085 - Clear up flood insurance misconceptions—be the adviser who helps clients prepare
- Today’s climate is not only changing weather-wise, but it is also a litigious climate. Protect yourself from E&O exposure by offering flood insurance. 3 pages
QS90614 - Flood insurance frequently asked questions (09/10/24)
- Some of the common—and not so common—questions raised about the National Flood Insurance Program. 3 pages
QS91051 - How the NFIP’s Risk Rating 2.0 affects agents, clients
- This resource kit is an explanation of the NFIP’s Risk Rating 2.0 and the effects it has on agents and their clients. 2 pages
QS91084 - Increased flooding elevates business insurance—knowledge and prevention are paramount
- This resource kit suggests the need for building owners to consider taking further measures to protect their facilities due to recent trends in severity and frequency of natural disasters and storms. 4 pages
QS90931 - ISO assists the private flood market (10/03/24)
- This resource kit provides information on ISO’s new Commercial Flood Insurance Program. 2 pages
QS90526 - My property is wet; it must be a flood
- Discusses the problems providing coverage for water damage that can arise even when combining a homeowners policy and a flood insurance policy. 3 pages
QS90554 - NFIP Community Rating System—what it could mean for your insureds
- An overview of the NFIP Community Rating System and how independent agents can play an active role in getting their communities to participate. 2 pages
QS90725 - Now that the storm has passed ... (09/11/24)
- An overview to help you educate your customers about the importance of flood insurance and how to better prepare your agency to handle a disaster. 2 pages
QS90964 - Private flood gets personal
- ISO has introduced a new Personal Flood Program to serve as a standard for the private personal flood insurance market. This resource kit offers a listing of the major changes. 2 pages
QS90733 - Something’s wet, it must be a flood, right? (10/15/24)
- Explanation of the coverage difference between a homeowners policy and a flood policy. 3 pages
QS90873 - The reauthorization rose ceremony
- This resource kit discusses the current National Flood Insurance Program and changes being sought through reauthorization. 2 pages
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QS90391 - The wide reach of insurance fraud
- Discusses insurance fraud, and what your agency can and must do, along with the progress being made in the industry today. 3 pages
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Free trade zone
QS31055 - Free Trade Zone classification items
- A listing of insurance risks allowed to be written in New York’s free trade zone. 44 pages
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QS90058 - 1994 ISO homeowners filing
- Overview of ISO 1994 homeowners filing, which covers ordinance and law, pollutants, loss of use, earthquake, power failure, and much more. 5 pages
QS90017 - A guide to choosing unit owners Coverage A limits (09/06/24)
- Discusses the HO-6 policy designed for condominium unit owners and what coverages are allotted. 3 pages
QS90329 - Covering nonowned property on a homeowners policy
- A detailed discussion of coverage under the homeowners policy for the property of others and what may be considered property in the homeowners’ possession. 3 pages
QS90942 - Food delivery services (09/18/24)
- A comprehensive overview of food delivery services, the latest share-economy initiative for home delivery of food. 2 pages
QS90661 - Guide to the ISO HO 2011 Program
- This resource kit explains all the revisions to the 2011 ISO Homeowners Program. 5 pages
QS90284 - Home improvement
- An in-depth discussion of the exposures your clients can face when having contractors work on their home. 3 pages
QS90842 - Home sharing means risk sharing (10/03/24)
- A comprehensive review of the latest trend in home sharing and the applicable insurance exposures. 2 pages
QS31097 - Homeowners and tenants insurance
- Report designed to give a better understanding of homeowner, tenant, condominium owner or cooperative apartment owner insurance options. 2 pages
QS90613 - Homeowners options for the elderly
- Offers some important coverage-related issues to bring to the attention of the elderly and their families. 2 pages
QS90160 - Homeowners premises liability coverage
- A comprehensive discussion of an insured premises under an ISO homeowners policy and applicable liability coverages. 2 pages
QS90523 - ISO 2000 HO endorsements
- A helpful resource providing a brief description of the most common standard ISO 2000 homeowners endorsements. 10 pages
QS90671 - ISO 2011 HO endorsements
- A helpful resource providing a brief description of the most common standard ISO 2011 homeowners endorsements. 10 pages
QS91026 - ISO 2022 HO Program
- The resource kit gives you an overview of ISO’s 2022 Homeowners Program, its new forms, endorsements, and forms that will be withdrawn. 5 pages
QS90815 - ISO pins down the ‘residence premises’ definition (09/06/24)
- A comprehensive overview of the ISO "residence premises" October 2015 ISO filing. 2 pages
QS90907 - ISO reacts to home sharing and drones
- This resource kit explains ISO’s new endorsements for home sharing and drones. 2 pages
QS90252 - ISO—HO 2000 program
- This kit offers an extensive look at the ISO Homeowners 2000 program and how it differs from previous versions. 15 pages
QS90447 - Lenders’ unreasonable requests for replacement-cost limits
- Summarizes the laws that protect mortgagees from mortgagors requiring them to insure their real property for more than the replacement cost. 5 pages
QS90222 - One for all and all for one (community associations)
- Addresses the issue of property owners who get financially entwined by association membership. 3 pages
QS91016 - One smart home in Malibu Pink, please
- A discussion about smart technology, and how it can be helpful to agents and policyholders alike. 2 pages
QS91028 - Sample homeowners change-in-risk letter
- A sample letter advising your homeowners policyholders of the need to notify their carriers when they have a change in risk. 1 page
QS90629 - Sump pump failure (09/03/24)
- A comprehensive discussion of the exposures a homeowner might have when their sump pump fails. 2 pages
QS90128 - The ISO HOBIZâ„¢ Program
- Explains ISO’s Home Business Insurance Coverage program designed for the home-based entrepreneur and their unique coverage needs. 3 pages
QS90424 - The ISO Homeowners Policy forms (2011)
- A quick reference to each of the Insurance Services Office Inc. homeowners forms and the perils covered. 2 pages
QS90109 - There is no business like home business
- Overviews the exposures and appropriate coverages for homeowners when having businesses within the home. 8 pages
QS90598 - Top 10 contractor hiring tips for homeowners
- Quick tips for your homeowners clients who are considering hiring an outside contractor to do repairs on their home. 2 pages
QS90475 - Two approaches to insuring your home—HO-2 vs. HO-3 (09/06/24)
- Compares the ISO Homeowners 2 form with the ISO Homeowners 3 form and exposures that might not be covered under the “named” perils policy vs. the “open” perils policy. 3 pages
QS90827 - What does this new ISO Residence Premises endorsement do? (10/10/24)
- A comprehensive FAQ on the ISO Residence Premises endorsement and how it will impact your insureds. 2 pages
QS90640 - What is the right property limit?
- This resource kit discusses the many approaches for securing a property limit. 2 pages
QS90828 - Who is going to write this policy? Be prepared for the homeowners inspection (09/06/24)
- This resource kit discusses issues that can be uncovered during a home inspection. 2 pages
QS31240 - Wrap-around options for coastal homeowners risks
- A summary of the NYPIUA Dwelling Policy, incuding the three approved wrap-around options to use to ensure proper coverage for coastal homeowners. 5 pages
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Human resource issues
QS91008 - Age discrimination and EPLI
- An in-depth discussion of age discrimination and EPLI, a review of some cases, their outcomes, and the importance of EPLI coverage. 3 pages
QS90076 - Agency policy and procedure manual
- Sample agency procedure manual that can be used as a starting point to individualize one for your particular agency’s needs. 31 pages
QS90722 - An overview of the FLSA
- This resource kit offers a brief overview and general description of the provisions of the FLSA relevant to agency owners and managers. 3 pages
QS90779 - Baby on board: the workplace and pregnancy discrimination
- The resource kit discusses the protections afforded to pregnant employees in the workplace on both the state and federal levels. 3 pages
QS90397 - Employee handbooks: a tool to avoid employer liability
- Employment litigation is steadily on the rise. This kit discusses what should be addressed in an employee handbook and how it can aid in the employer’s defense. 2 pages
QS90677 - Employees in uniform: what you need to know about USERRA
- Discusses protections afforded to employees in uniform under the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights Act. 2 pages
QS90919 - Employment applications—‘Ban the Box’ rule
- A review of the latest "Ban the Box" movement regarding inquiring about criminal convictions. 3 pages
QS90738 - Expand your horizons to find your next superstar (09/11/24)
- What you can do to recruit and retain a new brand of top insurance professionals. 3 pages
QS90033 - Federal employment laws affecting small businesses
- A chart of employment-related laws and when they would apply by the number of employees you have. 1 page
QS90849 - Hiring staff with disabilities
- A discussion of the Americans with Disabilities Act and how that, along with state-specific laws, must be considered when hiring employees for the agency. 4 pages
QS90727 - Hiring, firing, and employment practices
- Agency obligations in regards to proper employment practices. 2 pages.
QS91048 - How to (legally) fire one of your employees
- This resource kit will give employers an idea of the legal issues to consider when they decide it may be time to terminate an employee. 3 pages
QS91073 - Human relations law and the insurance industry
- A discussion on recent trends in human relations law that will impact employers big and small. 3 pages
QS31399 - New York paid-family leave benefits
- A comprehensive overview of the New York Family Leave Benefits Act and how it impacts New York employers. 3 pages
QS31408 - New York state Paid Family Leave FAQs
- This resource kit offers answers to questions regarding New York’s paid family leave regulation. 8 pages
QS31415 - New York’s sexual harassment prevention law
- Offers a comprehensive overview of the new laws relating to sexual harassment prevention. 2 pages
QS31075 - New-hire reporting
- Gives important information from the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance on how to handle new employee tax forms and answers commonly asked questions. 6 pages
QS31413 - Now trending: New York #PaidFamilyLeave
- A comprehensive review of New York’s paid-family leave rules. 2 pages
QS90902 - Performance evaluations: how not to hate them
- This resource kit offers strategies to help both managers and employees give and get value from the performance review process. 2 pages
QS90620 - Sample application for employment and overview of the ’ban the box’ legislation
- A boilerplate employment application that you can use to develop your own agency-specific version. 2 pages
QS91112 - Sample employee letter to confirm employment termination
- A sample employee letter to be used on your agency letterhead to confirm employment termination. 1 page
QS90341 - The ADA may require more than you realize
- A discussion of the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and its impact on employers. 3 pages
QS91041 - The changing ADA landscape
- This resource kit offers a discussion on a question many agents ask: how do we properly insure the risk of ADA lawsuits in an everchanging landscape? 3 pages
QS90890 - The FLSA: attack of the overtime
- This resource kit gives an overview of the new FLSA regulation regarding employee classification and overtime rules. 2 pages
QS91005 - The ideal workplace, avocados not required
- This resource kit discusses what prospective hires are really looking for in the workplace. 3 pages
QS90795 - The ins and outs of paid sick-time off
- This resource kit discusses the who, what, and what ifs surrounding paid sick time off for employees. 3 pages
QS90824 - The right stuff—hiring ‘A’ players for your agency (10/25/24)
- This resource kit offers a synopsis of some different processes and observations agencies have used and have had success with for producer development. 6 pages
QS90439 - The seven types of workplace behavior
- Offers a brief description of the seven classic styles of behavior and provides tips to help manage your vulnerability to each. 3 pages
QS90503 - U.S. Department of Labor Employment Law Guide (09/18/24)
- This informative guide was developed by the U.S. Department of Labor to help answer questions on employment laws and make the regulations easier to understand. 6 pages
QS90882 - U.S. Department of Labor overtime regulation FAQ
- A comprehensive question-and-answer piece that outlines some of the intricacies of the U.S. Department of Labor overtime regulation. 5 pages
QS90932 - Using the power of insight to realign your staff and help your agency grow
- This resource kit talks about the importance of knowing your agency’s needs and placing the right employees in positions to help your agency grow. 2 pages
QS91059 - Welcome back, sort of—flexible schedules, not flexible rules (legally speaking)
- This resource kit addresses issues employers need to be aware of when implementing remote/hybrid schedules in your office. 4 pages
QS90713 - What you need to know before you Google potential employees
- Potential pitfalls you should consider before deciding to check an applicant’s social-media profile. 3 pages
QS91096 - Where the legal risks lurk in human resources—reduce the risk of wage-and-hour violations
- Offers a discussion on how an employer reduce its risk of wage-and-hour violations. 4 pages
QS91006 - Who gets Paid Sick Leave?
- A comprehensive FAQ regarding who gets Paid Sick Leave benefits. 3 pages
QS90428 - Workplace harassment: what it is, how to prevent it
- Provides agencies with insight on what constitutes workplace harassment, how it can be prevented, and how to respond to incidents that arise in the workplace. 3 pages
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I.D. cards
QS31169 - A guide to DMV’s IIES procedures—how agencies can prevent, resolve DMV-coverage inquiry letters
- A guide to help insurance agency personnel prevent and solve problems that may arise because of incorrect or missing insurance information in DMV’s database. 20 pages
QS31397 - Electronic insurance I.D. cards
- An overview of the New York State Department of Motor Vehicle Regulation Section 32.16 on electronic I.D. cards that was effective July 29, 2015. 1 page
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Identity theft
QS90342 - The ISO Identity Fraud Expense Coverage endorsement
- An outline of the coverage provided by ISO’s Identity Fraud Expense Coverage endorsement. 1 page
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Independent agent marketing
QS90822 - An insurance policy isn’t a commodity, it’s a contract
- A resource kit to help agents explain the basics of insurance contracts to their insureds. 2 pages
QS90564 - Band together to brand together—co-op advertising for the independent agency
- An independent agent’s perspective on co-op advertising and how it can play a part in your agency marketing efforts. 3 pages
QS90812 - Beware of the bait and switch
- This resource kit talks about the importance of explaining what could happen when they venture out to other carriers without your guidance. 2 pages
QS90569 - How to find co-op advertising dollars
- A step-by-step guide to making the most out of your marketing dollars with co-op advertisement. 2 pages
QS31407 - New York’s prejudice standard for late-notice claim denials
- This resource kit discusses a law which imposes a prejudice requirement on insurers who seek to disclaim coverage based upon their insured’s late notice of a loss. 2 pages
QS31441 - Recent updates to New York Labor Law Section 201-d
- An overview of the Labor Law changes that went into effective recently. 1 page
QS90489 - Take back personal lines—combat direct writers and increase your presence (09/18/24)
- A helpful discussion with a few ideas on how to get serious and aggressive about selling personal-lines insurance to beat the competition. 2 pages
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Industry-related issues
QS90553 - Fire restoration/cleaning firms
- A listing of firms that offer fire restoration and cleaning services after a loss. 6 pages
QS91110 - Hard market: When carriers withdraw from a market
- This document offers helpful points to consider when navigating a carrier withdrawal. 3 pages
QS90265 - Keeping informed on captive insurance companies
- An overview of what captive insurance companies are, why they were established, and how they work. 2 pages
QS31163 - New York Young Insurance Professionals membership application
- A brochure outlining the benefits of being a member of the New York Young Insurance Professionals. 8 pages
QS91034 - Premiums on the rise: what to do about it (09/30/24)
- This resource kit offers suggestions for the best practices for handling client requests to reduce or remove coverages. 2 pages
QS31023 - Producers’ annual report—April 15: shared public-entity compensation
- This resource kit includes commonly asked questions regarding Regulation 87, as well as text of the regulation and the necessary disclosure forms required to comply with this regulation, which are required to be filed by April 15 each year. 6 pages
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Inland marine
QS90060 - Cargo insurance
- Liability for loss can be passed on to the shipper or purchaser depending on how the goods are shipped and how the sales contract reads. 4 pages
QS90280 - Highlights of the 1999 ISO Personal Inland Marine Program
- A discussion of ISO’s 1999 Personal Inland Marine Program filing with emphasis on agreed value. 3 pages
QS90448 - Personal Inland Marine 2003 Program
- An overview of the Insurance Services Offices Inc.’s Personal Inland Marine Program rules and a review of the coverage forms. 6 pages
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Lead information
QS90088 - Lead paint information packet
- Packet of information on the lead paint hazard required notification, commonly asked questions, and answers on lead issues, as well as a consumer brochure for your use. 29 pages
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Legislative/regulatory issues
QS31432 - ’Steering’ to repair shops
- This resource kit explains the law regarding the steering of policyholders to preferred repair facilities. 2 pages
QS91039 - An engaging article on e-delivery of documents
- A discussion about the importance of following the law when it comes to e-delivery of insurance documents. 3 pages
QS91097 - Corporate Transparency Act
- An overview of the federal Corporate Transparency Act requirements. 2 pages
QS91057 - Distorted patents and exorbitant premiums
- Offers information on the background of patents and why they are costly to insure. 2 pages
QS90588 - Does the Red Flags Rule affect me?
- A brief overview of who is affected by these rules and what precautions must be taken to comply. 2 pages
QS31410 - FAQ: PIANY’s anti-arson application repeal law
- A comprehensive FAQ outlining the repeal of the anti-arson application in Buffalo, N.Y. 1 page
QS90340 - Federal and state do-not-call rules: a guide for PIA members
- Provides specific advice about individual legal, business, or other questions relating to do-not-call rules. 13 pages
QS90451 - Get the facts on the do-not-fax law
- A comprehensive summary of the federal do-not-fax law so you can act in accordance with this rule. 3 pages
QS90846 - How high is your duty-of-care?
- This resource kit discusses how an agent must interact with their client to avoid breaching his/her duty of care. 2 pages
QS90543 - Life insurance settlements—proceed with care
- Comprehensive review of life-settlement arrangements and how they can affect your insureds. 9 pages
QS31179 - N.Y. tie-in sales—OGC Opinion 87-2 (09/17/24)
- Text of an opinion of general counsel for New York state where the New York State Department of Financial Services discusses tie-in sales, which are when an insurer refuses to write a particular policy unless the insured purchases an additional policy. 2 pages
QS91043 - National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ Pet Insurance Model Act (09/27/24)
- A model developed by the NAIC regarding pet insurance. 2 pages
QS90107 - National Association of Professional Insurance Agents 2024 issues of focus
- Overview of the federal legislative issues papers that support the independent agency system and the consumer they protect. 10 pages
QS29260 - New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance Bulletin 23-08 and Order No. A23-14: underwriting and pricing considerations
- The resource kit offers guidance from the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance regarding underwriting and pricing issues. 5 pages
QS31388 - New York City Department of Transportation permit bond requirements
- An overview of the changes made by the New York City Department of Transportation regarding permit bonds for contractors doing work within the New York City metropolitan area. 2 pages
QS31340 - New York City passes sidewalk liability to property owners
- An accurate summary of the new legislation whereby responsibility for claims is passed from New York City to property owners, in certain circumstances. 5 pages
QS31147 - New York Credit Card Surcharge Law
- A comprehensive overview of the Credit Card Surcharge Law that went into effect on Feb. 11, 2024.
QS31400 - New York cyber security regulation compliance checklist—covered entities and Class A companies (09/30/24)
- A comprehensive checklist to assist association members in complying with the new cybersecurity regulation, which took effect Jan. 1, 2017. 1 page
QS31236 - New York laws regulating insurance agency advertising, giveaways, inducements and rebates
- A comprehensive analysis of the insurance statutes and regulations as they relate to insurance agency advertisement efforts. 4 pages
QS31429 - New York loss runs
- This resource kit discusses the laws relating to an insurer’s requirement to furnish loss runs. 2 pages
QS31443 - New York State Pay Transparency Act requirements
- A comprehensive review of the requirements of the Pay Transparency Act. 1 page
QS31182 - New York telemarketing rules
- Comprehensive resource kit explaining the telemarketing law, facts on the "do not call" list and applicable regulations. 26 pages
QS31430 - NY HERO Act: What are your responsibilities?
- This resource kit provides guidance on the NY HERO Act and offers guidance to employers for developing an airborne infectious disease prevention plan. 2 pages
QS90731 - Online marketing, social media and insurance advertising laws
- A review of different states’ rules with regard to online marketing or advertising. 2 pages
QS90710 - PIA multistate windstorm and hurricane deductible guide
- A comprehensive review of the hurricane deductible rules for Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Vermont, and other neighboring states. 2 pages
QS90370 - PIA’s guide to the CAN-SPAM Act
- An in-depth look at the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 and how it affects the insurance industry when using email solicitation. 6 pages
QS31265 - PIANY hails law raising auto surcharge threshold
- A comprehensive look at Chapter 277 of the Laws of 2010 raising the auto threshold from $1,000 to $2,000. 2 pages
QS31059 - PIANY legislative wrap-up—2023
- Offers an overview of 2022 insurance-related legislative bills and the governor’s subsequent action. 5 pages
QS31003 - PIANY’s 2024 legislative priorities
- PIANY position paper on the legislative issues most important to insurance agents and brokers. 4 pages
QS90859 - Prejudice and the claims-made policy
- This resource kit discusses what can happen when a claim is reported late to a carrier on a claims-made policy. 2 pages
QS90847 - Price optimization (or, how a goat is gotten)
- This resource kit discusses the issues surrounding price optimization and how some states are dealing with it. 2 pages
QS90632 - Producer notification requirements regarding administrative actions
- Outlines requirements in different states with regard to notifying the state insurance department when a producer is involved in an administrative action. 2 pages
QS91052 - Protect your agency: copyright and trademarks
- A discussion of how to protect your agency with copyrights and trademarks. 2 pages
QS90634 - Red Flags Rule—PIA offers guidance
- Some of the most commonly asked questions about a producer’s requirement to comply with the Red Flags Rule. 2 pages
QS31242 - Regulation 79 and the weekend car deal
- Important information to share with your clients on purchasing a vehicle over the weekend. 1 page
QS90440 - Sample fax consent form
- Sample fax consent form for agencies to use in getting their clients’ permission to fax to comply with the do-not-fax rule effective July 1, 2005. 1 page
QS90897 - Sample homeowners insurance effective date notice (10/09/24)
- A sample notice to provide real-estate lenders/closing offices regarding binders prior to closing dates. 3 pages
QS91063 - Summary of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 and sample disclosure form
- An overview of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 requiring brokers and consultants to group health plans to disclose their compensation if they expect to receive $1,000 or more in direct or indirect compensation for providing their services. 3 pages
QS31269 - The commercial-lines deregulation law in New York state
- Discussion of the effects this law could have on you and the customers you serve. 8 pages
QS90654 - The history and origins of state anti-rebating laws
- This resource kit gives you the background and a firm understanding of state anti-rebating laws and how to apply them in a business context. 3 pages
QS90895 - The unmanned aerial vehicle (09/17/24)
- This resource kit provides information on rules and regulations in place for the use of drones for agencies and underwriting purposes. 2 pages
QS31434 - Unfair claims practices—Regulation 64 and New York Insurance Law Section 2601
- This resource kit discusses rules carriers must follow in respect to claims processing as set forth in Regulation 64. 2 pages
QS31406 - Upstate New York ride hailing becomes law
- A review of the newly passed upstate New York ride-hailing legislation. 3 pages
QS31339 - Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994—the reason carriers are conducting background checks on their agents
- This resource kit outlines the requirements of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, and discusses the issue of agent background checks as well as information on carriers requesting Social Security numbers. 4 pages
QS31270 - What insurance producers should know about New York City Department of Buildings insurance requirements
- A comprehensive review of the New York City Department of Buildings insurance requirements. 4 pages
QS91036 - What is bad faith?
- A discussion about bad faith during the claims process. 2 pages
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QS90981 - A guide to Massachusetts’ nonresident licensing
- A go-to-guide for obtaining and renewing a nonresident individual or business entity license in Massachusetts. 4 pages
QS90650 - Business entity licensing
- Discussion of the different types of business entities and how to go about getting them licensed in Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Vermont, and New York. 9 pages
QS91022 - Florida licensing
- A comprehensive review of Florida’s statutes and regulations relating to resident and nonresident licensing. 15 pages
QS31350 - Insurance producer reporting requirements: termination of business relationship with another producer
- Explanation of the reporting requirements required of insurance producers when terminating business relationships. 3 pages
QS90615 - Multistate licensing exposures
- A state-by-state review of the multistate licensing rules when it comes to policies with only part of a risk in another state and what each state may require in the way of producer licensing. 5 pages
QS90501 - Multistate licensing firms
- Contact information for firms that provide licensing services in multiple states. 2 pages
QS31271 - New York producer licensing
- This resource kit overviews the agent and broker licensing process in New York state. 16 pages
QS31274 - New York State Department of Financial Services Opinion of General Counsel 04-12-03: ’Permissible duties of unlicensed customer service representatives’
- This resource kit outlines what activities unlicensed employees and officers of the agency can engage in. 6 pages
QS90683 - NIPR, PDB, and beyond—understanding NAIC-related licensing systems and services
- A comprehensive look at the National Insurance Producer Registry and related information. 3 pages
QS90696 - Registering a ‘registered/statutory agent’ in another state
- Requirements producers should be aware of when registering a business entity in another state. 3 pages
QS90797 - What ever happened to NARAB?
- A comprehensive FAQ on the development of National Association of Registered Agents and Brokers and what it means to independent insurance agents. 3 pages
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QS90064 - 2024 Choosing a Medigap policy: a guide to health insurance for people with Medicare
- An in-depth guide that outlines the steps to help consumers make an informed decision when purchasing Medicare Supplemental Insurance. 52 pages
QS90016 - An employee’s guide to health benefits under COBRA
- A comprehensive booklet explaining an individual’s rights under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act for continuing health benefits. 19 pages
QS90400 - Family Medical Leave Act
- A comprehensive overview of employers’ obligations under the federal Family Medical Leave Act. 2 pages
QS90761 - Financial and health information accuracy disclaimer
- A sample letter to share with your customers purchasing coverage through the health exchange marketplace. 1 page
QS90841 - How the PACE Act affected your small-market group
- An overview of how Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Vermont, and New York are addressing the PACE Act’s definition of small employer groups. 2 pages
QS31014 - New York consumer guide to health insurers (09/25/24)
- Offers information to assist in making an informed decision when choosing health insurance. 80 pages
QS31347 - Prompt payment of health insurance claims—Regulation 178
- Claim submission guidelines and the time frame rules for health insurance claims under Regulation 178 for New York state. 4 pages
QS90746 - Q&A on health-care exchanges
- A compilation of questions and answers to help agents understand how they will be affected by health-care exchanges. 5 pages
QS31416 - Regulation 187 compliance
- This resource kit offers a look at the regulation, its definitions and requirements for how agents and brokers make life insurance and annuity product recommendations. 5 pages
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QS91098 - Agent talking points: Your premium is increasing. Here’s why
- Comprehensive talking points for agents to use when discussing increasing premiums with their customers
QS91077 - Don’t shoot the messenger
- A discussion about understanding and being able to explain the reasons why a policyholder with no significant claims history is experiencing a 20% rate increase in these tough economic times. 2 pages
QS90066 - PIA’s MarketBaseâ„¢
- Brochure explaining PIA’s MarketBaseâ„¢ Program, an exclusive members-only benefit, that assists with finding markets for the occasional hard-to-place risk. 2 pages
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Mold issues
QS90289 - Stopping the growth of mold claims
- Explanation of how the Insurance Services Office Inc. endorsements impact mold coverage in the various lines of insurance. 4 pages
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Money management
QS90675 - Get competitive—marketing strategies that really work and don’t cost a bundle
- Simple strategies you can use to build your customer base without spending a lot of money. 4 pages
QS90674 - Premium-finance companies
- A list of premium-finance companies, which offer services in Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Vermont, and New York. 6 pages
QS90546 - Using your head to help your wallet—focusing on cycle-time-reduction techniques
- Ideas to help reduce or eliminate wasting time and money that currently exists in the everyday processes and procedures of agencies. 3 pages
QS31024 - Your New York premium account requirements
- Outlines an insurance professional’s obligations relating to holding money in a fiduciary capacity and includes a discussion of the applicable laws and regulations. 14 pages
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Motor vehicle reports
QS90382 - Motor vehicle report vendors
- A compilation of firms which offer MVR services, including their geographical limitations, turnaround time, and cost. 4 pages
QS90989 - Sharing MVRs with commercial clients
- Important legal considerations you should be aware of when sharing motor vehicle reports with clients. 11 pages
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Notary public
QS31116 - New York state notary public information
- Complete packet on licensing information to obtain a notary public license in New York state. 27 pages
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Personal auto
QS90047 - 1994 ISO personal auto policy revisions
- A comprehensive overview of revisions made in the 1994 ISO Personal Auto policy including off-road vehicles, temporary substitutes, electronic equipment, and much more. 2 pages
QS90129 - 1998 ISO personal auto policy revisions (10/07/24)
- Overviews 19 changes made to the ISO Personal Auto policy with an in-depth explanation of each. 6 pages
QS90974 - A fresh new 2018 Personal Auto Policy
- Offers an overview of the changes made to ISO’s PP 00 01 policy form. 2 pages
QS31033 - Auto insurance and split households
- Addresses common questions when a vehicle is owned and insured independently by a resident relative. 2 pages
QS31221 - Auto policies split by divorce
- New York Department of Financial Services correspondence dealing with automobile liability coverage when divorced spouses are involved. 4 pages
QS31005 - Difficult-to-insure vehicles (09/17/24)
- A comprehensive listing of the most difficult vehicles to insure in New York state. 3 pages
QS31032 - Facing the owner-who-is-not-the-named-insured dilemma
- Overviews the dilemmas created when a vehicle is not insured in the owner’s name. 2 pages
QS31004 - Factors impacting physical damage coverage premiums (09/17/24)
- An explanation of the rating symbols and how they are used in determining premiums along with a symbols chart. 2 pages
QS31108 - How to shop for auto insurance
- New York State Department of Financial Services offers consumers a guide to explain compulsory auto insurance and optional coverage available, as well as price comparison information. 270 pages
QS90534 - Interpreting the PAP furnished car exclusion
- This discussion of denial of coverage for a furnished auto provides two argument scenarios for the ISO policy’s B.2 and B.3 exclusions. 2 pages
QS90420 - ISO 2005 PAP undergoes mostly cosmetic changes, but ...
- Discusses the substantive revisions made to the ISO Personal Auto Policy (PP 00 01 01 05). 3 pages
QS90346 - Named nonowner policy
- An in-depth resource kit on the purpose and application of the Named Nonowner Coverage endorsement. 4 pages
QS31066 - New York State Department of Financial Services annual 2023 ranking of automobile insurance complaints
- A comprehensive report of complaints filed against New York state-authorized insurance companies and their total complaint ratio. 7 pages
QS90943 - Not your father’s auto risks
- From telematics to autonomous vehicles and ride hailing, this resource kit discusses how much the auto insurance market is evolving. 3 pages
QS90086 - Personal auto extended nonowned coverage
- An in-depth discussion of the proper use of the Extended Nonowned Coverage—Vehicles Furnished Or Available For Regular Use endorsement. 3 pages
QS31136 - Physical damage coverage for borrowed autos
- A comprehensive discussion of coverage applicable under personal auto policies when an auto is borrowed and either the owner is insured or uninsured. 2 pages
QS90973 - Sample customer letter—transportation network companies (09/09/24)
- This resource kit offers a sample customer letter regarding using your personal vehicle as a Lyft or Uber driver. 1 page
QS91027 - Sample personal-lines automobile change-in-risk letter
- A sample letter advising your auto policyholders of the need to notify their carriers when they have a change in risk. 1 page
QS90818 - Who is really driving Miss Daisy?
- This document discusses issues surrounding undisclosed operators as it relates to personal auto policies. 3 pages
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Personal umbrella
QS90145 - Personal umbrella policies
- An in-depth discussion of personal umbrella policies and their unique aspects. 3 pages
QS90144 - Umbrella basics
- Discussion of umbrella policies and the many variations, as most insurers use their own individually filed policies. 2 pages
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Premium finance
QS31202 - Premium finance questions and answers
- Offers answers to commonly asked questions on New York’s premium financing statutes and regulations. 6 pages
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Privacy issues
QS90997 - Cyberattacks—what every agency and small business owner should know (09/09/24)
- An overview of different types of cyberattacks, how to prevent them, and the importance of insuring your agency against them. 3 pages
QS90652 - Email encryption firms
- A listing of firms that offer email encryption services for businesses. 1 page
QS90756 - HIPAA update
- Outlines the provisions of the HIPAA Omnibus Rule effective Sept. 23, 2013. 2 pages
QS90347 - How to develop your information security program
- Discusses agent/broker requirements to maintain a comprehensive written information security program of their own as evidence of their compliance with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. 11 pages
QS90495 - How to protect your clients’ and your agency’s privacy
- Highlights some of the privacy laws and requirements producers should keep in mind regarding privacy notices, security programs, HIPAA, Fair Credit Reporting Act, Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, security freezes, and breaches. 4 pages
QS90664 - Laptop-encryption vendors
- A listing of firms that offer laptop encryption services. 1 page
QS31246 - N.Y. Social Security Number Protection Act
- Summarizes the Social Security Number Protection Act which took effect Jan. 1, 2008, and what it means to agency owners. 2 pages
QS31195 - Privacy and the professional insurance producer
- A comprehensive guide to privacy issues as it pertains to the insurance professional including information on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act as well as applicable forms and a great question-and-answer section. 31 pages
QS90469 - Privacy primer
- A comprehensive tool kit on the privacy issues that are crucial to insurance producers to ensure their compliance with the statutes and regulations. 17 pages
QS90559 - Security breaches and the agent’s responsibility
- Explains the relevant laws and sources of liability to businesses that receive and possess confidential data. 4 pages
QS31364 - Summary of the New York Information Security Breach and Notification Act
- Summarizes the requirements, effective Dec. 7, 2005, that business and state agencies have to provide notification to consumers of a security breach in their electronic databases. 2 pages
QS91040 - The UBI question: privacy versus savings
- A discussion on how data collected from telematics can affect a consumer’s insurance rates and their privacy. 3 pages
QS90320 - What insurance producers need to know about HIPAA
- A comprehensive resource kit that explains the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and its impact on producers. 7 pages
QS90624 - What you need to know about the HITECH/ARRA amendments to HIPAA
- An overview of the privacy-related responsibilities of those considered “business associates” under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and the Health Information Technology and Economic and Clinical Health Act. 2 pages
QS90462 - Workplace privacy: strategies for employers
- Considerations for employers faced with the challenge of obtaining necessary information from employees while protecting employees’ privacy rights. 4 pages
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Record retention
QS31027 - New York state’s insurance record retention requirements/electronic recordkeeping
- An overview of the statutes and regulations covering record retention by agents, brokers and consultants. 17 pages
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Regional information
QS29008 - New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission alphabetical company code listing (10/10/24)
- Alphabetical listing of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission three-digit company codes used on automobile identification cards. 18 pages
QS29009 - New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission numerical company code listing (10/10/24)
- A numerical listing of New Jersey insurance company Motor Vehicle Commission codes. 9 pages
QS31061 - New York state’s DMV alphabetical/numerical company code listing
- A complete listing of New York state-authorized insurance companies and their coordinating DMV code numbers. 57 pages
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QS90251 - Reinsurance re-examined
- Examines the business of reinsurance, providing an understanding of the distribution of risk and methodology for spreading the risk from insurer to reinsurer to retrocessionaire. 3 pages
QS90490 - What’s reinsurance got to do with it?
- Gives a basic understanding of the two primary types of reinsurance and two general classifications of how it will be applied. 2 pages
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Rental car coverage
QS31258 - Pitfalls of the longer-term rental car agreement
- Addresses the coverage concerns when insureds rent vehicles for longer than 30 days. 1 page
QS31042 - Rental car redux
- A refresher on physical damage coverage for rented vehicles, including the newest changes. 4 pages
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Ride hailing
QS31414 - In defense of the ride-sharing driver
- Overview of the phases of transportation network companies coverage and what coverage may apply. 1 page
QS90813 - ISO introduces three new TNC endorsements
- Overview of three new endorsements being filed by the Insurance Services Offices Inc. to address the emergence of transportation network companies. 2 pages
QS91044 - Sample customer letter: personal-lines clients delivering for app-based food delivery services
- A sample letter that can be used for personal-lines clients that are delivering food for app-based delivery programs. 1 page
QS90788 - The buzz about ride-hailing programs
- Ride hailing is growing in popularity. This resource kit discusses some of the insurance ramifications of these programs. 2 pages
QS90917 - Uber-nerd: a discussion on ride hailing
- This resource kit offers an overview of ride hailing and what coverages are required for TNCs. 2 pages
QS90814 - What the hail?
- A comprehensive review of the ride-hailing issue, including recent legislative proposals. 3 pages
QS90829 - When is it time to have ‘the talk’ ... about ride hailing?
- A discussion for insurance producers on when to discuss the issue of ride hailing with their personal-lines insureds. 2 pages
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Risk management
QS90811 - Loss control for producers (09/06/24)
- This resource kit discusses loss control for producers—not only its benefits to producers but to their policyholders as well. 2 pages
QS90877 - Meeting the insurance needs of the construction industry
- This resource kit discusses the legal concepts at play when insuring construction industry clients and some considerations to help avoid E&O exposure to the agency. 4 pages
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Risk retention groups
QS31073 - Producers’ annual report—March 15: risk retention group placements
- Article 59 of New York’s Insurance Law requires agents, brokers and excess line brokers to report to the superintendent of insurance the premiums of direct business for risks resident or located in New York, which they have placed with risk retention groups not chartered in New York by March 15 each year. This kit includes the reporting forms. 3 pages
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Sales management
QS90801 - A successful sales meeting (10/15/24)
- This resource kit provides tips on how to run a successful sales meeting. 2 pages
QS91090 - Boost your agency growth—develop a niche
- This resource kit discusses how expanding into small commercial lines and choosing the right risks can help you grow your business in the present market. 3 pages
QS90703 - Build your agency—establish a niche
- The reasons to build and secure a specific niche for your agency. 3 pages
QS90529 - Building a referral-driven culture and driving revenues
- Illustrates how to effectively utilize staff and generate referrals from networking to build a powerful, referral-driven agency. 3 pages
QS90702 - Cold calling—four cornerstones to a successful initial contact
- Discusses the importance of cold calls and how to make them successfully. 4 pages
QS91088 - Do you know the special rules of marketing?
- A review of the rules surrounding marketing, rebating, and referrals 3 pages
QS90520 - Empower your employees to be mini-marketers—why satisfied staff equals free advertising
- Discusses the three-fold process of employee empowerment, and how the rewards will not only show in positive press, but also in the agency’s bottom line. 3 pages
QS90806 - Establish key metrics for agency growth before considering business expansion moves
- This resource kit offers simple strategies for building your agency’s book of business. 2 pages
QS90695 - Finding and nurturing good producers—survey provides insight on hiring and training practices
- This resource kit provides agents with information from a study conducted by The National Alliance Research Academy pertaining to agency hiring factors and methods for training. 4 pages
QS91062 - Five reasons why your sales numbers aren’t good
- Offers five reasons why your sales numbers aren’t good and five suggestions to fix them. 2 pages
QS90840 - Five steps to hold salespeople accountable (09/06/24)
- Tips to ensure your salespeople are working toward their fullest potential. 2 pages
QS90836 - Growing your marketing savvy in the digital age—five tips for using social media as a marketing tool
- This resource kit discusses the importance of including social media in an agency’s marketing plan. 2 pages
QS90442 - How can I sell more when I have so much to do?
- This resource kit answers this question by focusing on the essential component of the sales process. 2 pages
QS90566 - Improving agency performance—five core coaching skills make the difference (10/07/24)
- Illustrates the five coaching skills most needed to effectively manage employees and create a high performance work environment. 4 pages
QS90567 - Improving agency performance—new research shows link between ‘energetic profile’ and business success
- Provides four steps to increase your agency’s energy level and improve performance. 3 pages
QS91065 - Insurance renewal cross-selling strategies
- Offers suggestions on identifying cross-selling opportunities with your clients. 3 pages
QS91025 - Insurance script showdown: three scripts to make your cross-sell a ‘yes’
- This resource kit discusses the importance of cross-selling and offers some sample scripts to assist agents with cross-selling. 2 pages
QS90883 - Leading the sales team to victory
- This resource kit outlines four rules to ensure you and your sales team have the best shot at success. 1 page
QS91089 - Looking for a way to sell insurance in a hard market?
- Offers different perspectives on the advantages and disadvantages of selling insurance in a hard market. 2 pages
QS90962 - Make five strategic changes to close more sales
- Offers five changes to consider that could assist sales professionals in keeping up, staying relevant, and closing more sales. 2 pages
QS90568 - Marketing peace of mind—be part of the solution to teen car crashes
- A discussion that provides a “game plan” for agencies to offer supportive programs and educational materials on teen-driving safety while giving you the opportunity to market your products. 3 pages
QS91087 - Navigate the hard market—let your marketing campaigns educate and build relationships
- Offers strategies to help agents navigate successfully through the current challenging insurance landscape. 4 pages
QS90169 - New business presentations—12 tips for connecting with prospects
- A series of tips agents can use to improve their ability to connect with their prospects. 4 pages
QS90259 - Prospecting that pays
- Explains many ways that leads can be qualified to generate sales for your agency. 3 pages
QS90498 - Seven marketing strategies to let clients know who you are
- Seven “must” contacts or opportunities to include in your action plan of communicating with your customers and potential customers. 2 pages
QS90239 - Six simple tips for increasing sales and decreasing stress
- Have you ever found a lead on a scrap of paper after the prospect purchased from your competition? If so, this kit will give you tips to increase sales and decrease stress. 2 pages
QS90933 - Stay connected to your community: a four-step process to build a local brand in-person and remotely
- This resource kit offers examples of ways you can build your local brand without spending millions. 2 pages
QS91037 - The art of an insurance promotion
- Sometimes the lowest price isn’t the best option, an explanation of bait and switch and other methods of advertising today. 2 pages
QS90602 - The cross marketing value of your service team
- Details why fine-tuning your CSRs can be a strong asset to your agency. 2 pages
QS90793 - The importance of sales meetings
- Offers a list of reasons why sales meetings are critical to your success and suggestions for the optimal structure, agenda, and rules for running one. 3 pages
QS90805 - The power of Pinterest—is your agency using this growing social-media platform?
- This resource kit explains how to use Pinterest as a way to connect with clients and prospects based on common interests. 3 pages
QS91092 - Thinking of nurturing a niche? PIA Northeast members share their unique experiences
- Two PIA members discuss how they developed successful niches in their agencies. 4 pages
QS90135 - Tips to build your personal-lines business
- Simple strategies to expand your personal-lines business to ensure increased profitability. 3 pages
QS91047 - Two key character traits of successful producers
- Talks about why producers who hold themselves responsible and accountable are so successful. 2 pages
QS90854 - Why and how to cold call
- Discussion of why cold calling is so important and suggested steps to stay sharp and conquer fear. 2 pages
QS90500 - Why have a marketing plan?—minimize mistakes and maximize your potential
- Illustrates the importance of having a strategic marketing plan, the components of a successful plan, and depicts nine reasons to plan. 3 pages
QS90352 - Working with an independent agent (09/17/24)
- A for-sale piece through PIA Design & Print that outlines the importance of working with an independent agent. 1 page
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QS90662 - How much ends up in your pocket?—plan now so Uncle Sam doesn’t get more when you sell
- Discusses the federal tax issues in the agency selling process, including considerations such as S and C corporation tax filings and more. 3 pages
QS90759 - Requirements of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
- Reporting requirements for the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and what effects the law has on PIA members. 1 page
QS90954 - Tax considerations on expense reimbursements
- Discusses the tax treatment of reimbursed and unreimbursed business expenses. 2 pages
QS90530 - Tax implications—buying and selling agencies
- Factors to consider when buying or selling an agency that will help to maximize the dollar amount the seller will be left with after taxes. 3 pages
QS90971 - Tax reform and small business: growing our economy and creating jobs
- This resource kit offers information on new tax changes for independent insurance agents and brokers. 1 page
QS90734 - What to know about disaster-related casualties and taxes
- Federal income tax implications when someone suffers disaster-related casualties. 2 pages
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Terrorism issues
QS90785 - TRIA: age of cyberliability
- This resource kit discusses how cyberliability would come into play under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act. 2 pages
QS90283 - Understanding the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002; 2005; 2007; 2015, and 2019
- An in-depth resource kit on the requirements of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 on commercial-lines property/casualty insurance, including a comprehensive summary, lines that are affected, implementation of the act, and much more. 15 pages
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Trailer coverages
QS31048 - Cover your rear—commercial trailers
- A how-to for obtaining proper coverage for your insureds with commercial trailers. 3 pages
QS31049 - Cover your rear—motor carriers
- An in-depth discussion of the exposures faced by individuals who are in the trucking business and how to properly meet their insurance coverage needs. 3 pages
QS31047 - Cover your rear—personal trailers
- Detailed discussion of exposures and coverages for personal trailers used as vehicles and used on premises. 4 pages
QS90668 - ISO 2010 Commercial Auto Program revisions
- Discussion of the changes to the rules surrounding motor carriers over the years. 2 pages
QS90146 - Of bobtails and deadheads
- Bobtailing and deadheading are significant in the insurance world because they represent the nontrucking use of a tractor/trailer and the coverage implications of either not having a trailer attached or an empty trailer attached. 3 pages
QS90747 - What’s all the buzz about CSA?
- Overviews the Compliance, Safety, and Accountability Program, a federal regulatory program targeted to activities of motor carriers. 3 pages
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Windstorm catastrophe
QS90117 - Agency preparedness and recovery plan (disaster manual)
- A how-to for developing an action plan for your agency in the event of a catastrophe. 63 pages
QS90592 - Get ready for hurricane season
- A handy reference including information on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale and other hurricane-related references. 2 pages
QS90191 - How to prepare for a hurricane
- Information you need to be prepared before, during and after a hurricane hits. 4 pages
QS90985 - Think beyond disasters ...
- A handy resource kit to assist agents thinking about their agency’s level of preparedness and how to become better prepared. 2 pages
QS90190 - Top 10 insurance tips for hurricane season
- Suggested responses to consumer questions following a natural disaster regarding the claim process and what to expect. 3 pages
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Workers’ compensation
QS90900 - A conversation about independent contractors
- This resource kit offers helpful tests to assist agents in properly classifying independent contractors and employees. 3 pages
QS31263 - Construction Industry Fair Play Act creates presumption of employment
- A comprehensive review of the worker misclassification legislation. 2 pages
QS31259 - Determining employee vs. independent contractor status in New York
- Helpful information provided by the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board regarding how to determine employee vs. independent contractor status for workers’ compensation coverage. 1 page
QS31401 - Employee vs. independent contractor assessment—common-law test
- Overview of the common-law test for use in New York for all employee vs. independent contractor determinations. 2 pages
QS31248 - Give me liberty or give me a paycheck
- A discussion of independent contractors and how they are properly handled in the workers’ compensation arena. 3 pages
QS31029 - Homeowners as employers (10/02/24)
- Homeowners have a nonbusiness exposure for both hired workers that are subject to the Workers’ Compensation Law and hired workers subject to tort law, as this resource kit will show you. 10 pages
QS31239 - Important information for out-of-state employers operating in New York state (09/17/24)
- Bulletin from the New York Workers’ Compensation Board that outlines what New York requires for workers’ compensation and disability coverage. 5 pages
QS31218 - Labor Law is serious business
- An in-depth discussion of the New York Labor Law Sections 240, 241 and 241-a, their absolute liability provisions and the crisis issues that have been arising. 4 pages
QS90136 - Maritime law: LHWCA and Jones Act
- Outlines the special insurance needs under the Longshoremen’s and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act of 1927 and the Jones Act covering marine workers. 4 pages
QS31355 - New York State Insurance Fund application tips
- A quick reference guide to completing New York State Insurance Fund applications. 3 pages
QS31354 - New York State Insurance Fund audit fundamentals
- A quick reference guide on how to prepare your agency for a New York State Insurance Fund audit. 2 pages
QS31199 - New York State Insurance Fund policyholder services contact list
- Handy reference of contact names and phone numbers for the New York State Insurance Fund. 2 pages
QS31387 - New York state law making agents/brokers independent contractors
- Actual New York State Workers’ Compensation Law regarding agents/brokers being treated as independent contractors. 2 pages
QS31272 - New York Workers’ Compensation Board out-of-state employers policy
- This resource kit contains the information your clients need to be in compliance with the requirements for out-of-state employers conducting operations in New York. 4 pages
QS31187 - New York workers’ compensation group self-insurance regulation
- Provides the regulation on group self-insurance, which establishes application procedures, qualifications and responsibilites for any group of employers becoming or acting as a group self-insurer. 17 pages
QS31151 - New York workers’ compensation rates—October 2024 (09/20/24)
- Information on the New York State Department of Financial Services’ approval of the 2024 workers’ compensation rate filing. 24 pages
QS31021 - New York workers’ compensation reporting requirements (Section 110)
- Summarizes the New York state workers’ compensation reporting requirements for an employee injured on the job and provides the necessary form to file (Form C-2). 4 pages
QS31034 - Other states coverage in workers’ compensation residual-market policies
- Addresses the need for other states workers’ compensation coverage when there is an out-of-state risk involved. 4 pages
QS31439 - Recent updates to New York State Workers’ Compensation Law
- A comprehensive overview of the latest workers’ compensation changes.
QS31140 - State Insurance Fund notice to contractors
- This notice addresses a contractor’s responsibility in regards to uninsured subcontractors, wrap-up jobs, subcontractors working without employees and corporate subcontractors with one or two executives who own the corporation’s stock. 2 pages
QS31382 - Summary of 2007 New York workers’ compensation reform legislation
- An in-depth reviewing of the numerous changes made to New York’s Workers’ Compensation Law. 13 pages
QS90839 - The flanking maneuver (09/13/24)
- This resource kit discusses coverage under workers’ compensation and employers’ liability when dealing with third-party claims. 2 pages
QS31215 - Understanding the claims process
- An overview of the New York State Workers’ Compensation Benefit Law, who is covered, how claims are paid, discrimination, etc., and a question-and-answer piece provided by the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board. 13 pages
QS31256 - What business owners must know about workers’ compensation
- The document outlines what every business owner needs to know about workers’ compensation. 1 page
QS31117 - What’s a workers’ compensation SIF safety group?
- A brief synopsis of safety groups and how they operate in the State Insurance Fund. 1 page
QS31216 - Workers disability benefits
- An overview of the New York State Disability Law, who is covered, how to file a claim and how they are paid as well as a question-and-answer piece provided by the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board. 6 pages
QS90880 - Workers’ compensation endorsements that need clarification (10/03/24)
- This resource kit will add clarity to our understanding of three endorsements (i.e., the alternate employer, waiver of subrogation, and foreign exposures endorsements) used with the workers’ compensation policy. 4 pages
QS31231 - Workers’ compensation insurance requirements: government-issued permits, licenses, and contracts
- Outlines the requirements of New York State Workers’ Compensation Law Section 57 and Section 220.

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