
Employees of PIA member agencies may log on below:

Additional PIA member from
same agency/company: $260

Registration fee includes education, trade-show entry, continental breakfast, buffet lunch, and processing. A confirmation will be sent, via email, by PIANY. You will receive your badge at the door.

To register by mail.

Cancellation policy No registration fee refunds after Jan. 10, 2025. No-shows do not receive refunds. At-the-door prices will be higher. Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act In accordance with Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, we invite all registrants to advise us of any disabilities and any requests for accommodation to these disabilities. Your request for the program you wish to attend should be submitted as far in advance as possible. If you have questions, call the PIANY Education and Conference Department at (800) 424-4244.