PIANY PIANJ Annual Conference
Featured Instructors:

Catherine Trischan has worked in the insurance industry for more than 30 years, and she provides education and consulting services to other agents, brokers and insurance companies. Those experiences have given her a deep level of dedication and a strong working relationship with her associates in the industry.
Steve Lyon has more than 35 years of agency-management experience owing, operating and managing an independent insurance agency. He uses his experience to conduct more than 150 insurance-related classes each year for agencies and companies throughout the U.S.

Sunday, June 4
2:30-4 p.m.
Before the Attack: A Mock Cyber Event
Presented by TAG Solutions
Sponsored by: TBA
Cybercrime is growing at an alarming rate. The average cost of a data breach is now over $4 million—and 60% of all companies experienced a breach in 2021. Most cyber security insurance policy costs have tripled in the last few years. The threat of ransomware attacks, data breaches, or major IT outages worry company executives even more than business and supply-chain disruption, natural disasters, or the COVID-19 pandemic. Want to learn how to protect your organization? This session will point out any gaps you have in your agency’s current program, as well as ensure what you’re doing today is protecting your business.
Monday, June 13
8-10 a.m.
Wild Weather, Wind, Water and Warming = Disasters
John Fear, CPIA, CISR
Approved for 2 NY CE credits. Applicable to PC, BR, C3 & PA licenses. (NYCR-272874)
Approved for 2 PA CE credits. (133993–GEN)
Approved for 2 NJ CE credits. (88904698–GEN)
Sponsored by: First Onsite
It seems like—every time we turn on the news—there’s another weather- or climate-related disaster that costs a large sum of money. In fact, 20 separate billion-plus dollar events happened in 2021 (e.g., wildfires, hurricanes, tornados, heat waves, flooding). And, in addition to the insurance industry, all these events affect other industries. For example, when farmers are affected by weather or lack of water there are food shortages, price increases and an increase of crop insurance claims—which can all lead to an increase in premium prices and underwriting issues. During this education session, Fear will review some major U.S. claims related to weather and their insurance coverages. He also will address the coverages available for earthquakes and tsunamis. And, expanding the discussion beyond the traditional disasters, he will look at the coverage options for asteroids, space junk, solar storms and nuclear disasters.
8-11 a.m.
Certificates of Insurance–Do’s, Don’ts & When to Say No!
Approved for 3 NJ CE credits. (88904373–GEN)
Approved for 3 NY CE credits. Applicable to PC, BR, C3 & PA licenses. (NYCR-272876)
Approved for 3 PA CE credits. (133990–GEN)
Sponsored by: Brooks Insurance Agency
Certificates of insurance cause many problems for insurance agents trying to help commercial clients. We will review the things to consider before issuing a certificate and discuss ways to avoid some of the common problems and errors. We will discuss some of the related coverage issues—including additional insured endorsements and contractual liability. Throughout, we will look at requests frequently made of agents and discuss why some of these needs can create problems.
3-5 p.m.
Working From Home–Coverage Issues to Consider
Approved for 2 NJ CE credits. (88904376–GEN)
Approved for 2 NY CE credits. Applicable to ALL licenses. (NYCR-272875)
Approved for 2 PA CE credits. (133994–GEN)
Sponsored by: Excess Line Association of New York
More people than ever are working remotely—whether exclusively or a few days a week. However, these arrangements can cause insurance problems for both the employer and employee. How do the employer’s property and liability coverages respond when something happens at the employee’s home? What happens when an employee is injured at home? Additionally, what are some of the cyber issues to consider? As for the employee, how will the homeowners policy respond if there is damage to property or a liability loss? And, what might be done to improve the coverage? This class will help you answer these questions for your agency and to help advise your clients.
3-5:50 p.m.
Proceed with Caution … Your Client Purchased a Condo
John Fear, CPIA, CISR
Approved for 3 NY CE credits. Applicable to PC, BR, C3 & PA licenses. (NYCR-272877)
Approved for 3 PA CE credits. (133992–GEN)
Approved for 3 NJ CE credits. (88904374–GEN)
Sponsored by: Seneca Insurance Co.
The Champlain South Condo collapse made national headlines, and it made people question if they had enough insurance coverage for their own property. Do you know the ins and outs of how to advise your clients who may have—or who are thinking of—purchasing a condominium? This course will review the newsworthy condo collapse and the potential causes that contributed to the loss. Additionally, the necessary coverages (e.g., property, general liability, umbrella, directors & officers); property valuations; ordinance and law coverage and the possible exclusions will be discussed.
Tuesday, June 14
10 a.m.-1 p.m.
E&O and the Future of the
Independent Agent^FF ^UN
John Fear, CPIA, CISR
Approved for 3 NJ CE credits. (88904377–GEN)
Approved for 3 PA CE credits. (133991–GEN)
Approved for 3 NY CE credits. Applicable to BR, C1, C3, LA, LB, LSB, PA & PC licenses. (NYCR-272968)
Sponsored by: Utica National Insurance Group
With the advent of major retailers and product delivery services knocking at the door of the insurance industry, the future and relevance of the independent insurance agent continues to be challenged. The question is, what does the future for independent agents look like and how can they differentiate themselves as licensed risk managers in an environment that has become increasingly all about price. This course will look at the future of independent agents and how they can use the variety of tools available to them to uniquely identify themselves as a resource to protect client’s assets and businesses in an ever-changing marketplace.
^FF ^UN-This course has been approved for E&O loss-prevention credit by Fireman’s Fund and Utica National. Call the PIA E&O Department for details.